Cerebral Palsy Essay

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Tanzil Bell Oral & Written Expression Mr.Majer 21 April 2014 Pediatric Disorder: Cerebral Palsy Where there is hope and love there is life. Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a condition marked by impaired muscle coordination and other disabilities, which causes damage to the brain before and during birth. Cerebral palsy is a static disorder of the brain, not a progressive disorder. This mean that the disorder or disease process will not get worse as time goes on. Nor are the motor disorders associated with cerebral palsy temporary. (Miller and Bachrach pg. 3) Cerebral Palsy affects the nervous system by having dysfunctions, in movements such as, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking. During the first 3 to 5 years of a child's life Cerebral Palsy occur because the baby's brain is still developing. (CP is one of the most common congenital (existing before birth or at birth) disorders of childhood). Spastic, athetoid, ataxic and dystonic are all different types of Cerebral Palsy. Majority of circumstances with children having CP are unknown, then again numerous results show problems during pregnancy in which the brain is damaged or doesn't develop normally. “This can be due to infections, maternal health problems, a genetic disorder, or something else that interferes with normal brain development.” Cerebral palsy is also caused by injuries and abnormalities of the brain; as the baby grows in the womb these problems occur. Some causes may lead to problems with brain development which include: Random mutations- genes that control brain development .Maternal infections that affect the developing fetus. Fetal stroke, a disruption of blood supply to the developing brain Lack of oxygen to the brain (asphyxia) related to diffic... ... middle of paper ... ...ed to be provided. Every child’s impairment is different and unique so therefore no treatment for cerebral palsy exists worldwide. (A comprehensive treatment plan is required to coordinate care of all conditions – primary, secondary, associative and co-mitigating conditions. Because of variety of conditions that need to be addressed, a treatment plan usually involves a multidisciplinary team of medical specialists working closely with the child’s pediatrician to establish and accomplish care goals.) Parents or legal guardians need to work closely with the multi-disciplinary team. (The comprehensive treatment plan takes the child’s abilities into consideration, as well as his or her socio-economic situation and home care dynamics. Health insurance coverage is important and can be obtained through government sources, employer benefit programs, or private providers.)

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