Case Analysis Of Sony

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Sony’s most palpable ideological strategy is the ‘Road to Zero’ (Ref). This is Sony’s global environmental plan, which aims to achieve an environmental footprint of zero by the year 2050. This plan was introduced in 2010 and operates under ‘Green Management 2020’, an intermediate target (Ref). Sony have laid out a series of specific goals, based on four environmental perspectives and six life cycle stages. These cover all aspects of the corporation. Therefore, all actors are working to realise this collective vision, resulting in a very strong culture. A move towards zero emissions is a logical one, with a huge emphasis on climate change and CSR in the current context. An umbrella strategy in Sony’s case can be observed in their mission statement (Ref). This states “At Sony, our mission is to be a company that inspires and fulfils your curiosity” (Ref). This is clearly a broad goal set by Sony, which aims to convince others to pursue this vision. The umbrella strategy offers a sense of direction, while also allowing strategies to emerge within the direction provided. This is known as ‘deliberately emergent’ (M&W) and is manifested in the variety of strategies undertaken by Sony’s subdivisions. Nonetheless, the overarching objective “to be a company that inspires and fulfils your curiosity” remains …show more content…

This strategy possesses more control, and leadership designs the system that enables flexibility to develop within it (M&W). This is evident in Sony’s second mid-range plan (Ref). It sets the overall goal of achieving a Return on Equity (ROE) of 10% and an operating profit of 500 billion yen (ref). Sony has been devised into three sectors (Ref). These sectors are expected to develop unique strategies that will combine to achieve to the overall financial objective. The individual sectors use their own discretion to reach this

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