Caring For A Loved A Person With Dementia Essay

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Caring For a Loved one with Dementia Caring for a loved one with dementia comes with challenges for families and caregivers. People with dementia from conditions such as Alzheimer’s or other diseases have a progressive biological brain disorder that makes it difficult for them to remember things, think clearly, communicate with others, and take care of themselves. In addition, dementia can cause mood swings and even change a person’s personality and behavior. There are strategies for dealing with the troubling behavior problems and communication difficulties encountered when caring for a person with dementia. Tips for Communicating with a Person with Dementia Learning how to help a loved one with dementia is important. Improving your communication …show more content…

Your attitude and body language communicate your feelings and thoughts more strongly than your words. Set a positive mood when speaking to your loved one. Be pleasant and respectful, use facial expressions, tone of voice, and physical touch to help convey your message. Get the person’s attention. Limit distractions and noise. Before speaking, make sure you have their attention; address them by name, identify yourself by name and relation, and use nonverbal cues and touch to help keep them focused. Get down to their level and maintain eye contact. State your message clearly. Use simple words and sentences. Speak slowly, distinctly, with a reassuring tone. Refrain from raising your voice higher or louder; instead, pitch your voice lower. If they don't understand the first time, use the same wording to repeat your message. If they still doesn’t understand, wait a few minutes and rephrase yourself. Use the names of people and places instead of pronouns such as he, she or they. Ask simple, answerable questions. Ask one question at a time. Questions with yes or no answers work best. Refrain from asking open-ended questions or giving too many choices. Visual prompts and cues also help clarify your question and can guide a

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