Bandura's Theory Of Personality

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Different theories on personality offer us different perspectives on the development of personality. Some may theorize that the personality is determined while others theorize that the development of personality is an exercise in freewill, and others say that it is a mix between deterministic factors such as genetics and learned behavior. These different approaches give us a better and more complete understanding than one singular theory alone. The “social-cognitive theory holds that both person variables (human agency) and environmental factors [modeling] … determine human behaviour and that human behaviour also affects both the human agency and the environment. Bandura’s theoretical analysis is captured as a triadic relationship” (Oppong, …show more content…

Because of this relationship between the social environment and behavior, it is referred to as the social learning theory. This learning according to Bandura’s theory is mediated by cognitive processes (Schultz & Schultz, 2017). Using this approach by I will conduct a self-analyses of my personality.
Reading through this theory it struck me how certain aspects of it seemed congruent with biblical thought. For example Proverbs 22:24 says, “make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare” (ESV) and Proverbs 4:23 in respect to self-efficacy “keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life” (ESV). These similarities make of Bandura’s theory for me a little weightier.
When reflecting on my life it seems this approach is seems most applicable when I think about my family, the culture and times I was raised in. Beginning with my parents. When I reflect on how my parents react, and interact in situations and life occurrences in their lives I see many similarities between our reactions to events and circumstances that occur. These similarities in me seem like a blend of the two parents responses to …show more content…

My father is a very genteel man. He does not burp or express bodily functions around others. His words are discreet about such things as such things are not right to talk about. He is quite patient and easy going to outsiders, just shy of passivity, except it seems when his patriarchal authority is challenged or someone brings up a false belief or false ideas about Christianity. Then there is no passivity left in him. He comes out ready to meet the challenge. I would say while he does not display it, he is a very sensitive man. Yet while his inner personality was sensitive, outwardly his words could be quite sharp when he believed that certain actions and responses were not to the level he expected. Along with the words affirming your misdirection often times there would be swift physical punishment. My father probably had a intermediate amount of self-efficacy when I reflect on it, though someone listening to him would say he would he believed we have to ability to change

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