Biological Approach To Personality

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The Biological approach to personality places emphasis on the genetic influences related to the development of an individual’s personality. Some may believe that children and their parents can have very similar personalities, for example a young boy having his father’s anger (Stelmack, 1990). Though this approach has often been questioned by psychologists, it is not disregarded all together. Some believe that genetics do have a role in an individual’s personality development; however environments, as well as personal experiences all work in forming personality. Looking first at the personality traits most associated with the biological approach; neuroticism, psychoticism, and extroversion-introversion. With the extroversion-introversion trait …show more content…

Typically if an individual ranks high at one end of the continuum, scores on the other end tend to be lower. The psychologist that is most associated with the Biological approach to personality is Hans J. Eysenck (Rafter, 2006). It is believed that personality was broken into two different yet basic dimensions; extraversion-introversion and neuroticism (Cale, 2006, p. 251). A third dimension came into play later in Eysenck’s research; this would come to be called psychoticism (Cale, 2006, p. 252). Though the other dimensions are important to personality this paper will focus on the biological factors of only extraversion-introversion. When discussing extraversion-introversion, there does not seem to be a plethora of similarities simply because the two are on opposite ends of the continuum (Peake, 2014, p. 8). Differences on the other hand are identified much easier between the two. One main difference is the way individuals perceive each trait. Extraversion is seen as a good quality and is often used as a positive trait. Although it is not entirely true, introversion is looked at as a negative trait for someone to possess in today’s’ society (Peake, 2014, p. 8). The best way to explain how these two traits differ would be the type of stimuli that motivates …show more content…

Introverts are just as capable as extroverts when it comes to becoming a great leader. It is believed that hard problems in the workforce or any leadership situation need to be given a lot of thought and consideration before making a drastic descision; this is a skill that introverts tend to possess (Murphy, 2013, p. 60). Unlike introverts, extroverts have more of a tendency to form solutions to problems without thinking much about the outcome, and they do not spend a lot of time getting other opinions on the matter (Murphy, 2013, p. 60). An introvert by nature asks more questions and listens closely to others which are great leadership skills (Murphy, 2013, p. 60). Unlike that of extroverts, introverts tend to be more capable at controlling negative emotions (Murphy, 2013, p. 60). By doing this, solutions are not determined by emotion, but by other’s input and serious

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