Assignment 1: Shelf Life Management And Packaging

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Assignment 1 (Sec A)- Shelf Life Management and Packaging(TFCH 3025) Name: Dylan Murphy Student Number: C12522373 Class: DT420/3 Lecturer: Nissreen Abu-Ghannam Assignment Due Date: 31/10/2014 Word Count: 1,606 Reference Word Count: 164 Introduction I have chosen four different types of methods to manage shelf life that are currently a new to the market. These methods are using editable coating made up of protective materials, films on packaging that allow diffusion of carotenoids from mono and bilayer polyethylene, Carboxymethyl cellulose–polyvinyl alcohol films and modified chitosan to improve antibacterial factors in packages. Each of these novel methods can be used to help increase shelf life but they do it in different ways. the shelf life …show more content…

2014. Improving Shelf-life of Cavendish Banana Using Chitosan Edible Coating. Procedia Chemistry(Volume 9). Available at: [Accessed: 15th October 2014] 2: Muppalla, SR. Kanatt, SR. Chawla, SP. Sharma, A. Carboxymethyl cellulose–polyvinyl alcohol films with clove oil for active packaging of ground chicken meat. Food Packaging and shelf life(Volume 2).Available at: [Accessed: 15th October 2014] 3: Muppalla, SR. Kanatt, SR. Chawla, SP. Sharma, A. Diffusion of carotenoids from mono and bilayer polyethylene active packaging into soybean oil. Food Packaging and shelf life(Volume 1).Available at: [Accessed: 16th October 2014] 4: Muppalla, SR. Kanatt, SR. Chawla, SP. Sharma, A. Diffusion of carotenoids from mono and bilayer polyethylene active packaging into soybean oil. Food Packaging and shelf life(Volume 1).Available at: [Accessed: 20th October

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