Red Beet Essay

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Pre-treatment of rejected material
The rejected material from red beet processing plant comprises of red beet peels, crown, stalks, and beet greens (Figure ). As shown in stream of Figure, these by-products can be subjected to microwave blanching (350 W, 5 mins) to degrade peroxidases (POD), and improve the extraction yield of bioactive compounds. However, there are no evidences in the literature demonstrating the effect of microwave blanching on the red beet pomace residue.
In order to prevent the enzymatic browning, an essential step of blanching is applied by the agro- processing industries prior to canning, freezing, frying, and drying to inactive the deleterious enzymes responsible for browning, such as polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase, …show more content…

Interestingly, the effect of microwave- and conventional- blanching (90C) on red beet was studied by Latorre et al. (2012). They showed that integrity of the red beet cell wall was retained, when red beets were exposed to microwave blanching in water, and such treatment prevents red beet tissue damage from the heat transfer. However, direct exposure of microwaves causes significant shrinkage and excessive water loss from the red beet tissues (Latorre et al., 2012). Moreover, Latorre et al. (2013) further demonstrated that microwave blanching at constant 350 W (treatment: 5 minutes and venting: 1 minute) causes inactivation of 90% degradative enzymes, and increases the polyphenol content due to modification of red beet cell wall in such a manner under the conditions. The research group also concluded that raw beet possess thick middle lamellae without separation between the neighbouring cells and at tri-cellular junction corners, however, treatment of red beets by microwave blanching retains the contacts between the neighbouring cells with separations of middle lamellae mainly at corners, promoting hydrophilicity and macromolecular mobility of bioactive compounds, and conventional (90 C) and high power (> 900 MW) microwave blanching leads to

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