Argumentative Essay: Why Hunting Should Be Illegal

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Hunting should be illegal because it’s dangerous and harmful. It’s also dangerous to baby animals and to the population of the animals. Do you think hunting should be illegal ? Do you think hunting is safe? We don’t! Many animals have become endangered because of the illegal hunting that has gone on. Hunting can hurt innocent animals and can also result in the shooting of a human or pet with a firearm . Drug abuse kills 200,000 people and more each year . Recognized by "Boy, 12, Dies in Carroll County Target Shooting Accident." The Repository. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2015. Hunting is also associated with negative behaviors. A few of these negative behaviors are drugs, drinking, and most of these behaviors are against the law . According to "Statistic Brain." Statistic Brain. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2015 the statistics rate of …show more content…

Quick kills are rare and many animals suffer painful deaths when hunters severely injure but fail to kill them. Another reason hunting should be illegal is because of a bit of accidents happening . There have been many accidents during hunting season. Being in the woods with a loaded gun is a big responsibility. One that quickly comes to mind is the story of a man and his son who were in the woods early in the morning. Unfortunately, the man saw this as an opportunity to start his “vacation” and was drinking. A deer came into the woods and the boy feeling excited tried to get a shot in to get the first deer of the season. The boy being inexperienced pick up the loaded weapon and it fired before he was ready, killing his father instead. Is a 12 year old or a drunken hunter with a gun someone you’d like to run into during a walk in the woods? I’m sure that is a day this boy won’t soon forget. These our reasons hunting should be illegal & I hoped this persuaded you opinion

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