Anne Frank Quotes

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When you are hiding from the police, you have multiple thoughts rushing through your head. Anne records everything that happens in her diary that her father gave her. She goes through all of the typical trials and burden just as any other teen. Aside from the fact that she is not living in a normal community. "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart." This quote was written by a very little Anne Frank who was in a near-death situation. When we analyze this quote, we ask ourselves, why would she be saying this when she's only months near death? I believe that Anne had a jubilant spirit. This made her positive and uplifting to others. I also presume that she thought that everyone should be and was just like her, and that's why the quote, "In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart," was written in her diary. From the collection's version of the script and the play we …show more content…

She always knew how to make everyone roar with laughter. She would skip around like a clown to lighten the mood of the war. Like when Anne tried on Mrs. Van Daan's fur coat and Mrs. Van Daan taught her to say, "Remember Mr. so-and-so, remember I'm a lady." As Anne was saying this, she felt like a mature woman even though she was only a young teen. She thought that saying this would help her develop a sense of romance and she longed to be treated like an adult instead of a child. Anne was always eager about something that she was going to do after the war, weather it was riding her bike, go to school, or even get to discern Jopie again. She knew that was not possible, but she tried to stay positive. It is mournful to say that her dreams never came true, but she was a natural hero. She definitely gave the members of the annex quite a show with her good vibes and

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