Argumentative Essay: The Diary Of Anne Frank

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Anne Frank Argumentative Essay

Being separated from your family and friends, losing everything you had, being beaten and worked to death, because of your nationality. Anne Frank was just a teenager in the 1930’s and 1940’s, and hiding from this fate with her family and friend. Only to meet death from disease and hunger, while the father lived through this to see it all happen. Otto Frank, Anne’s father had seen his own family and friends get tortured and die, and now had to go on living with this in his mind everyday. Obviously, Anne Frank had experienced great cruelty in the Holocaust. However, through it all, she could best characterized as curious, opinionized, and insightful.

Firstly, Anne was constantly curious about many aspects of life. She was curious about growing up and wanted to grow up and experience such things. In fact, even at a sleepover, Anne asks her friend “What was it like? Kissing?” out of curiosity, showing her curiosity to experience grownup things (The Diary of Anne Frank). Secondly, Anne kept a …show more content…

As a writer and as an adolescent, she often ponders about many topics on a deep level. She understands things in ways some people cannot, even in ways people refuse to comprehend, like death. She writes about death, saying “the world will keep turning without me, and I can’t do anything to change events anyway,” showing she accepts death out of depression and understands it (Frank, 137). Because of this she is very insightful. Even her father, who read her diary after the holocaust is over, wrote about her insightfulness in a letter, saying “There was revealed a completely different Anne to the child that I had lost...I had no idea of the depths of her thoughts and feelings,” showing even her own father was surprised at her intelligence and insightfulness (Biography-Diary of a Young Girl, 1). So, in conclusion, Anne Frank was very insightful, so much so that even her father was

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