Examples Of Hope In The Diary Of Anne Frank

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Never lose hope The Diary of Anne Frank is a very tragic story. She and her family were Jews and back then at that time Jews were being sent to concentration camps and killed, so the Frank family went into hiding. The Franks hid just right at the top floor of Mr. Franks office called the secret annex, but unfortunately they were caught. Throughout the play and the 2001 movie I have gathered enough information of how the Franks lived afraid scared that at any moment the Germans,could come in the secret annex and take them away. Learning about Anne’s life and how she had to live taught me a couple of lessons. For instance, she and her family went into hiding which means she couldn’t go outside which taught me to be grateful to even be able to breath fresh air and go to school. Another example, she was judged by her friends mom just because she was Jew which taught me to never judge anybody at the first glance I get. A further example, Anne never lost hope that the war would end and she and her family would make it through she taught me though even through the hardest of times never lose hope. …show more content…

The most important reason is because out of millions of thousands of Jews that were killed she wrote and showed us what it was like hiding during WWII. An equally important reason, is that even after all the people the Germans killed, Anne still thought that people were good. The last important reason is that she wanted to become a writer and wanted to be known even after her death which came true. Tons of people still read her diary today and millions of people have ready and probably reread her

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