Character Traits Of Anne Frank

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Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who was born in 1929, she was very optimistic, talkative, and caring. Her family and she were forced to go into hiding in 1942, when she was only 13. There was limited space and food in the annex, which was where she was hiding. They couldn't make much noise during the day or the people in the business below would hear them. The other people in the annex didn't always look at things the way Anne did. She had her own unique personality. Anne and her family were caught and taken to concentration camps in 1944. I think that Anne's personality, especially her optimism is what kept everyone alive for so long in hiding.

One characteristic that Anne Frank possesses is optimism. She was very cheerful, even in her tough situation, and she was always optimistic toward everyone. For example, in act one, scene five, Anne was giving everyone gifts for Hanukah. She thought a lot about the presents she gave, and you could tell she really lifted everyone's spirits. Also, in act two, scene one when Margot said, "Sometimes I wish the end would just …show more content…

She was always making sure people were okay, and she cared about everyone in the annex. In act one, scene three, Anne shows she is caring. Peter was in his room feeding Mouschi, and his mom told him to come out of his room. Anne didn't want Mr. Van Daan to yell at Peter, so she said, "I'll feed him."This shows Anne was caring because she knew Mr. Van Daan didn't like Peter spending so much time with his cat, so she volunteered to feed the cat. Also, in act one, scene three when Mr. Dussel first arrived Anne made sure he felt welcome. For example, Anne said, "Let me help you" and she took his briefcase and showed him to his room. Even though she just found out that her best friend got taken away, she still made a point to help Mr. Dussel get settled. This shows that Anne truly cared about everyone, even if they didn't feel the same about

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