Analysis Of Subaru's Commercial: A Life Story

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A lifespan is a mysterious path that everyone takes from the beginning to the end. Each lifespan is different from one another and no one takes the same path through life. Unfortunately, some are way too short, but if the cards are dealt right, a lifespan can be long and eventful. When we all go through life, we all have a life story on the line. Everyone starts life vulnerable and protected by a parent. Parents constantly worry about the safety of their children in order to ensure that they have the best chance at a life of love and joy. Driving is the most popular way of transportation, but it is one of the easiest ways to jeopardize a life story. When a child is first born, parents may purchase a new vehicle. But what type a car is the safest? The car company Subaru constantly advertises that their vehicles are the best and safest on the road. Subaru is known for vehicles that either score a good or superior safety rating by IIHS safety test (IIHS). In the commercial “A Life Story On The Line” published January 8, 2018, Subaru persuade buyers to purchase their vehicles by claiming they are one of the safest on the road. This commercial is very successful because of its indelible emotional tug on viewers. It directly targets intended buyers, and provides a good story to the viewers indicating why they should buy a Subaru.

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