Family Relationship Essay

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Family Relationships There are so many different types of family relationships. Whatever form a family takes; it is an important part of everyone’s life. My family has played an important role in my life. Good family relationships serve as a foundation to interactions with others. Supportive families will help children to thrive. The quality of the family relationship is more important than the size of the family. Making the relationships priority, communication, and providing support for one another is key to developing relationships. Family relationships are what make up our world today; they shape the ways that we see things and the ways that we do things. “Family is defined as a domestic group of people with some degree of kinship …show more content…

Those who value both their family and friendship relationships enjoy greater health and higher happiness. While no one should solely rely on friendships, these do have an impact on a person's well-being. This gives a better understanding and allows a person to thrive both physically and mentally. Just as with family relationships, having good friends can enhance the ability to cope with stress and learn how to grow as a person. College is a time for change. For most people it is a time when they find their way and become more independent. They will seek out new things, make mistakes, and learn how to manage time and energy. When life becomes stressful it will cause the need to rely on friends that are going through the same thing. When meeting back up with old friends, they may seem more mature or completely different. The way college changes friendships will be different for everyone. No two friendships are alike, so separation of going to college will affect everyone differently. Some friends will stay close so there will not be many changes and they will probably still text every day. While others will drift apart and might not even talk at all. College students will make new friends, maybe a new roommate, people in their classes, or in the cafe. There are a lot of opportunities to meet new people. Even with old friends in college, those friendships might change and meeting new people will cause one to grow …show more content…

It is a source of comfort, support, security, and protection. Family helps make sense of the world by allowing one to feel unique and special and be encouraged to follow their dreams and to succeed at life. Families will experience life differently but it should be a safe place that opinions can be expressed openly and each member be made to feel important. While college will provide academic lessons in life, the lessons learned from family will directly affect one's personal values and behaviors. Every stage of life presents joys and challenges. Relationships teach how to cope with those joys and challenges and boost the ability to reach life

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