Acuity Based Staffing Research In Nursing

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Nurses have long been front line patient and family advocates. Over the year’s research has helped legitimize nursing as a profession. It is imperative for nursing contributions to be publicly known so the nursing profession can be appreciated and respected as professionals. It is imperative to continue holding nursing in high regards as a respectable profession. Research reflects commitment to the promotion of health and the critical importance of basing professional nursing practice on research (American assiciation of Colleges of Nursing, 2016). Nursing research has a tremendous influence on current and future professional nursing practice, thus rendering it an essential component of the educational process (Tingen, Burnett, & Murchinson, …show more content…

One such change in staffing came in changing from an acuity based staffing model to a system of nursing care per patient hours (NCPPH). This innovative way of staffing was developed by the American Nurses Association (McKenna, et al., 2011). By providing alternatives to the traditional way of staffing they were able to increase their retention and increased their nurse satisfaction. The article states that by better managing productive and nonproductive work hours and by eliminating agency staff they were able to make a significant financial change. According to the article, by staffing according to NCPPH instead of by acuity they were able reduce the patient nurse ratio (McKenna, et al., 2011). The reduction in patient nurse ratio thus decreased the nursing stress level which led to better patient outcomes and increased staff satisfaction. The second article addresses the empowerment of renal nurses while working within the central government. The article addresses the importance of nurses working within the central government as change agents. They are at an advantage as they can facilitate, inform and influence meetings between key stake holders. Key points to this article were areas in nephrology such as renal transplantation, chronic kidney disease, and renal consumer information are being added to the National Health Care Agenda (Polaschek, …show more content…

In studies unique situations can be controlled and described through reports which can be imperative in advancing patient care and improving outcomes. Polit and Tatano also write, “Other findings will help nurses identify practices that improve health car outcomes and contain costs as well” (Polit & Tatano,

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