The Future Of Nursing: The Future Of Nursing

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The Future of Nursing “We keep moving forward, opening new things, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths” –Walt Disney (Smith, 2001). Nursing is a growing and constantly changing profession, making a bigger impact in healthcare with every turn. In fact, it was not so long ago that nursing was not even thought of as a profession and we have come a long way since the pioneer days of Florence Nightingale. Nursing is steadily evolving in terms of opportunities, educational requirements, professional recognition, and the advancement of nursing theories. These theories influence the environment, the patient, health, and overall nursing. Nursing theories will continue to evolve and guide as we continue to explore and learn new ways to improve overall nursing practice not only for the sake of the patients, but also for the future of nursing as a whole. However, when one looks to the future of nursing, they must also remember where it started; the basics of Florence Nightingale and that “Were there none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach anything better” (Nightingale, 1859). Person What does it mean to be a “patient” in future healthcare? To answer this question, the medical communities, including doctors, nurses, educators, and policymakers, all have to agree on the designation of a person/patient and what patient-centered care is. When all concede, then and only then, can patient-centered care (PCC) be mapped out for the future? Specifically, in regards to nursing and PCC, Cody and Parse believe that the Human Becoming principal is a guide to practice where nurses are “…with persons” as they enhance their own quality of life (Cody 1994 & Par... ... middle of paper ... like life in general, is full of uncertainty, as well as endless possibilities. As long as nursing continues to grow, there is no limit to the achievements that can be accomplished in the profession, for not only the individual patients, but also for the healthcare industry as a whole. Nurses must remember, that as they move forward, they will continue to break down barriers and stake their claim as a necessity in healthcare. Nurses must also hold tight to the teachings of their predecessors. The future of nursing holds great advances in healthcare and technology innovation; but, most importantly, the future of nursing needs to be saturated with nurses that are willing to put their heart and soul into healing the human spirit. The future of nursing must bring with it the teachings of the past, while providing their patients with the most qualified nursing care.

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