Abortion Ethical Dilemma Essay

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“Mommy, a month has gone past and I have started to notice how my body is forming, I know I am not much to look at now but just wait and see I’ll make you so proud! Even though I am feeling happy I sense something is wrong!....” “You seem to be having strange thoughts that leave me restless and worried, but I am sure everything is going to be ok! Don’t despair.” (Gregory, 2008-2015) I know that this quote is quite long, but if you read the quote it really touches home about how I feel about abortion and how some others may feel about abortion. I will be explaining the ethical dilemma, core beliefs, resolution, evaluation, comparison of abortion and my conclusion.
Ethical Dilemma
The case study that I chose is about a woman that has gotten pregnant and the child has down syndrome. She has been waiting to have a child, her whole life and her doctor gives her an option of aborting the baby or keep it. The ethical dilemma is that she wants a child that she has wanted her whole life, but the unborn child has Down syndrome and will cause financial problems for her and the unborn child. To solve the dilemma, I believe that the woman has two options, one she can keep the unborn child and deal with everything that comes with raising a child with Down syndrome …show more content…

As I have said throughout my essay that having an abortion is just like murdering a human being and like the sixth commandment states that “You shall not murder.” I believe that if someone is a true Christian that they would not even think about abortion, but either keep the child or give the child to a family that would take care of the unborn child. If I ever had to make a decision like she had to, I would not even think twice about having an abortion because children are a gift from god no matter what kind of issues the unborn child

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