Barkley's Theoretical Framework For Understanding ADHD (15 Points)

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1. Explain Barkley’s theoretical framework for understanding ADHD. (15 points)

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity is a childhood neurodevelopmental disorder defined as a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Inattention is viewed as an inability to sustain focus, being disorganized, and lacking persistence. Hyperactivity is described as excessive motor activity, such as running around and climbing on things, as well as extreme fidgeting and talking. Impulsivity refers to acting hastily and without thought, which can be seen in interrupting others, intruding into others’ activities, and an inability to wait one’s turn. These inattention and/or hyperactive/impulsive behaviors are inconsistent with age or developmental level and can be seen across settings. Although ADHD begins in childhood, it often carries over into adulthood. This results in social, academic and occupational functioning impairments.
Russell A. Barkley is the foremost researcher on ADHD and has developed a theoretical framework for understanding ADHD. In his theoretical framework, Barkley notes that the problem in ADHD is in behavioral inhibition, which consists of delaying response and interference control. According to Barkley, …show more content…

Once developed, internalization of speech is used to self reflect and control one’s own behavior. For example, when people experience a delay in responding, or separation of effect, they will often begin to talk to themselves internally. This private talk directly influences behaviors. However, those with ADHD display less advanced internalization of speech than others of the same age. This results in more public speech, less reflection, and a lack of behavioral control. Therefore, this internalization of speech deficit in children with ADHD greatly impacts their ability to exhibit self-controlled

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