A Rhetorical Analysis Of Budweiser's Advertising

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Bud-Light, the perfect beer for someone who is “Up for whatever.” Budweiser does an impressive job on getting the viewers attention during the short minute and thirty seconds of the advertisement. The commercial portrays an ordinary guy, tall, African American, medium length black hair wearing a maroon jacket, at a bar with his friends, nothing out of the ordinary about him. The bartender offers him a Bud-Light, and says he can have the beverage if he is “Up for whatever happens next.” Of course, he eagerly accepts the offer, on the Bud-light he reads, “the perfect beer for stepping outside for some old school fun” then finishes his drink and exits the bar. The image of the man is ordinary because Budweiser wants to display that this could …show more content…

Without hesitation they hoist the large coin into the slot. The doors to the machine slide open, revealing a large crowd of young beer drinkers cheering for this man and his quest of being ready for whatever. “Woo” he screams with both excitement and surprise. The crowd parts down the middle to create path for him to walk. In the center of the ecstatic crowd is a life size Pac-Man maze. The Bud-light drinking hero must encounter life size Pinky, Inky, Blinky, and Clyde, the familiar villains of the popular 1980’s arcade game. Our risky “up for whatever” contender must evade the evil blobs of color and collect all of the coins in the maze before being caught. The use of the Pac-man theme in this ad is comparing the fun that people had while playing the game, to the fun people will have while drinking the …show more content…

Hundreds of young spectators cheer him on as he takes on the twist and turns of the maze. Finally, after running through the maze the man has defeated the game and the crowd screams with joy. The announcer comes and again and states “We have a winner!” a women makes her way over and hands him an ice cold Bud-light. “Woo! This is all I’ve wanted all day!” the man shouts as he grabs the cold drink form the woman. The audience picks him up and carries him with ease. “I love this life!” he proclaims as he clings his Bud-light with those around him.
Budweiser is targeting young adults in their mid twenties. The party atmosphere of the commercial interests this group of people greatly. This generation is the social decade, always trying to be apart of something and never ceasing to be left out. When the man states, “I love this life”, the company is inferring that Bud-light will make your life better in ways. Twenty year-olds range from mostly college students to college graduates, and every one of them are living the best years of their lives. Hearing the man in this commercial say “I love this life”, interest every one of them

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