13 Colonies Environment

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Adaptation-a change or the process of change by which an organism or species becomes better suited to its environment, this is what occured within the thirteen colonies. The colonists moved to a new land with more room and they weren't use to the environment. Each region in the thirteen colonies had a different environment and they had to adapt. The environment caused each colonial region to develop unique characterteristics. The New England colonies had rocky, sandy soil. The poor soil along with short growing seasons and cool climate caused few farms. The farms that did reside in the New England colonies were small and colonists got little from them. Due to little farms colonists had to but goods from the harbor and merchants. The jobs that were needed the most in the New England colonies were blacksmiths, shipbuilders, carpenters, preachers, lawyers, and doctors. The Puritan Church leaders guided the colonists in government decisions. Their leaders were strict and didn't tolerate any dissent, If a colonist did not show up for church or were disrespectful during church they were punished. …show more content…

The rich soil, flat land, flat land, and 6-7 month growing season led to more farms and a surplus of goods. The deep harbors let colonists fish, and the abundance of timber allowed them to build ships to take out on the deep harbors to get more supplies. Colonists grew crops for themselves and sold what they had left over, many colonists had cashcrops. In the Middle colonies they had various ethnics and religions. Quakers ruled over the Middle colonies and they believed that everyone was equal no matter what their religion or ethnic

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