Cause And Effect Essay: Victims Of Bullying In Schools Across America

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Many children and teenagers are bullied everyday in schools across America. Children or teenagers who do not have a good home life or perceive they are better than others tend to bully other children or teenagers. A person considered a bully chooses to target another person that is smaller and weaker than him or her. Also, there are children or teenagers who choose a form of bullying called cyber bullying. A cyber bully uses social media as a tactic to “get into” the smaller, weaker victim’s head to cause emotional and mental distress. A side effect for the victim of bullying is depression. Many victims of bullying that suffer from depression find themselves in a dark place they feel they cannot get out of, which often results in suicide. The different types of bullying are cyber bullying, physical or …show more content…

The children or teens bullying other students usually have a difficult home life. He or she acts on anger from a difficult home life by going to school and bullying other students. Often a bully chooses to target a student in school who acts or dresses different from other students in the school. Also, a bully targets a student who appears to be weaker than him or her. A bully often chooses to physically or verbally harass the victim in front of other students so they draw as much attention as possible. The result of publicly humiliating the victim is an inflated ego for the bully. In my opinion, physical bullying is the most difficult for the individual being bullied because he or she sees themselves as helpless and a “ loser.” The victim fears being laughed at and harassed by others who choose to join in with the bully. As with cyber bullying, the individual targeted by a bully represses his or her emotions. The victim is afraid to tell anyone how he or she feels because of the fear of further physical or verbal bullying. Once again, the repression of emotions and feelings results in

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