Persuasive Essay Bullies

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Roger was a big, tall boy with an attitude. He keeps picking on Rick a short, thin boy. He makes fun of him and making them feel bad every single day. Until Rick didn’t go to school for a week. Teachers got worried.
Teenager now a days bully others for a cheap laugh. They try to act tough and cool by embarrassing others. It starts in an early age like in preschool and some children are bullied in grade school too but the worst of all is in high school and college. The most common is cyber bullying. Posting pictures, videos and even texting nasty words. The bullies thinks it’s entertaining but the bullied think it’s just plain disrespectful. It is a big problem in the society. Bullies are one of the cause of suicide and depression. Their victims are the ones who are suffering. Making Victims their prey, treating them like animals and some are made to follow them around, making them their personal slaves. Others physically abuse them, beating them up and some make them beat up each other. Bullies are powerful and manipulative. Bullying should be stopped and bullies should not be tolerated because it is immature. Immoral and rude. …show more content…

They are not mature enough. When they see people are different and poke fun. They label everyone even though people are all the same. Its immature way of having fun and bullying will never stop if some people won’t grow up. Bullies have immature social skills and believe other children are more aggressive than they actually are. If you brush up against a bully, he may take it as a physical attack and assault you because "you deserve it, you started it," etc. Drs. Kenneth Dodge and John Coie's research indicates that bully’s see threats where there are none, and view other children as more hostile than they are. The hyperactive bully will explode over little things because he lacks social skills and the ability to think in depth about a

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