Comparisons of Discrete-Trial and Normalized Behavioral Language Intervention for Young Children with Autism

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Psychology is the study of how individuals act with one another, the relationships between their social group, and the correlation within their environment. Psychology plays a major role in everyday life, especially in the nursing division. As a nurse, I will need the basic skills of psychology. For example, a part of the course was learning about the psychological diseases in which I could be working in a psychiatric ward. Another was learning about behavior therapies like operant conditioning. I could be a pediatric nurse and one of my patients could be like my brother. He is autistic and needed behavioral therapy to be specific, operant conditioning. In the future, I will benefit from the information that I have learned from psychology.
An autistic child is like a puzzle and one of the missing puzzle pieces could be there language. My brother lost his speech at the age of eighteen months and when he lost his speech he became very violent. When we would bring him to the doctor’s office the nurses would have to relax him with either pressure or my mom would bring his fav...

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