How To Avoid Air Pollution Essay

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Air pollution has become very costly environmental problem in terms of both human lives and in terms of billions of dollars lost for health-care expenditure and crop damage.

Air pollution according to the Wikipedia << is the introduction of particulates, biological materials, or other harmful materials into the Earth’s atmosphere, possibly causing disease, death to humans, damage to other living organisms such as food crops, or the natural or built environment>>. Therefore, human being should be aware of the facts that the environment and all living creatures are dying. They need to understand the importance of natural items, the nature, etc…

Contact the pollution control authorities in your community for the levels or air pollutants. Identify …show more content…

Those two issues have been like a lung cancer in my region for long. Hygienic water is not available and soiled water is a day-to-day danger to living creature health and well-being. A lack of source, supplies, and education in my underdeveloped country like HAITI has lead to epidemic diseases such as, Diarrhea, Allergic skin, Headache, etc..

Compare to other region, they also have water problem but their main issues are about trees. Too many trees are cutting down in other to make charcoal and all that burning wood or waste can pollutes or damage the atmosphere.

Burning waste is not good at all for human health. It’s disturbing smell cause by burning plastic, rubber and some other artificial object can cause lot of trouble. It releases dioxin and toxins which has a detrimental affect on air quality. It can give headache, irritation, infection, etc.. it releases toxic chemicals into the air as smoke, and into the soil and groundwater as ashes. This is also a great issue for the environmental health.

Consider your own skills and interests. Think of at least two skills or interests that could be applied (if you had the time and resources) to helping improve air quality in your …show more content…

With my interests and skills, I will come up with supplies that can transform it like a water cleaner supply or water purification and give access to every single person to use it. Also, give access to the animals and plants to be part of that hygienic water. As human being, we are depending on the plants, vegetables, animals to nourish our body and use most of the time that unclean water to wash or cook them.

Much of the water that we use comes from rivers, lakes and other external water sources. Before it is delivered to our homes it is treated to remove substances and bacterial and other elements that can cause problems in human health. This clean, potable water is then used for cooking, drinking, cleaning, bathing, watering our lawns, flowers and so

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