Adolf Hitler And The Nazi Party

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“We may be inhumane, but if we rescue Germany we have achieved the greatest deed in the world. We may work injustice, but if we rescue Germany we have removed the greatest injustice in the world. We may be immoral but if our people are rescued, we have opened the way for morality.”
-Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, have probably been the most talked about topics in the past seven decades. Hundreds of thousands of texts have been written till date which talk about the brute of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. However, there is much more to Nazi Germany than the holocaust and their defeat in the World War II. Let us take a moment to explore what some would say the political brilliance of the Nazi Party.

Nazi party was founder in the year 1919 after the first world war by Anton Drexler under the name of Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, the German Workers’ Party, the name was in 1920 changed to Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or what it is most commonly know as, the Nazi Party. Hitler, in 1920, formulated a 25 point program that became the permanent rationale of the Nazi Party.

The first notable incident in the history of Nazi Party came about in 1923 when the party had over 55,000 members, Hitler led “Beer Hall Putsch” which was an unsuccessful attempt by the Nazis to overthrow the government of Bavaria hoping it would start a nation wide rebellion against the Weimar Republic. Following the incident the Nazi party was briefly banned and Hitler sent to the prison. From Hitler’s release until 1933 were the quite years. During this period the party grew slowly at first and very quickly as the world slipped into what came to be know as The Great Depression. The Nazi Party...

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...totalitarianism. The swastika, it's symbol, could be seen all over Germany. Its ideology could be read in pamphlets, or in the newspaper every day. Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda, Reichs Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, exerted total control over the media, playing a large role in the production and direction of movies, and monitoring every image and thought shown or expressed to the German people. Germany’s vast and complex hierarchy was structured like a pyramid, with party-controlled mass organisations for youth, women, workers, and other groups at the bottom, party members and officials in the middle, and Hitler and his closest associates at the top wielding undisputed authority. During the twelve-year reign of the Third Reich, the Nazi Party controlled and defined Germany, and was in turn controlled and defined by Hitler.

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