Who Should Be Blamed for the Holocaust?

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Approximately 6 million Jews and 5 million other people starting from the year 1933 were killed. They were put to death. There was one main person responsible for all of this. Adolf Hitler was a Nazi German leader who attempted genocide and was part of one of the worst wars in history, WWII. Hitler took up the role of initiating the holocaust which resulted in the death of many innocent people and numerous Jews. Hitler became leader of the Nazi party and chancellor of Germany. For example,’ ‘ Hitler was never elected, he came second, until President Hindenburg was forced to appoint Hitler as chancellor in 1933.’’ (www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/adolf-hitler) This supports one way on how he rose up to power and did everything he did. For instance, ‘as leader of the Nazi party he orchestrated the holocaust, which resulted in the death of four million Jews.’ This shows Hitler is the one who should be blamed. Hitler used propaganda and manufacturing enemies such as Jews and five million other people, to prepare the country for war. This shows Hitler’s attempt of genocide toward the Jewish race and other races. Hitler had a lot to do with Germany.’ Hitler started volunteering for the German army.’ This supports one way on how he rose up to power and did everything he did. In addition, “ As leader of the Nazi party he orchestrated the holocaust, which resulted in the death of four million Jews.’’ (BCC programmes) This shows Hitler was the one who was blamed and planned everything out. “ Hitler used propaganda and manufacturing enemies such as Jews and five million other people to prepare the country for war.” (Jewish Virtual Library), This piece of evidence shows Hitler’s attempt of genocide toward the Jewish race a... ... middle of paper ... ...uding all the tragic things Hitler did this shows life throughout his eyes. Adolf Hitler was a Nazi German Leader who attempted genocide and was part of one of the worst wars, WWII. Hitler took up the role of initiating the Holocaust which ended up In the death of numerous Jews. Hitler did not do particularly well in school, leaving formal education in 1905. Unable to settle into a regular job, he drifted. He wished to become an artist but was rejected from the Academy in Vienna. (http://www.history.co.uk/biographies/adolf-hitler) Hitler had a lot to do with Germany and he was remembered but not because of anything positive, but because he was one of the worst coldhearted dictators Germany or the world could’ve experienced. My view and Topic is worth consideration by the reader because it will inform them more about Hitler’s actions in 1933 and so on.

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