Argumentative Essay: The Dangers Of Abortion

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Abortion is one of those words that the true meaning depends on the person point of view. For me abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy. This issue is very controversial, many people have different opinions or beliefs for or against it. In my particular case I’ve always been against it. Life begins at conception, unborn babies are human beings with the right to live just like us. An unborn baby is capable of feeling pain, just imagine the amount of pain they feel during abortion. Abortion is murder, why are women killing an innocent human being that is unable to make decisions for themselves. There are many ways to prevent abortion. Besides, this procedure is extremely dangerous, and contains many risks for the mother. An unborn person has the fundamental right of life wish shouldn’t be taken away from him or her. As said by Professor Hymie Gordon, Mayo Clinic: “By all the …show more content…

Women are using abortion as a method of birth control, it’s horrible how some women kill an unborn child for convenience. There are so many ways to avoid getting pregnant and prevent abortion. If you are not financially stable, don’t have unprotected sex and prevent murder. A women that can’t support her child don’t have the need to have an abortion when she can completely confidential and for free give her child for adoption to a family that will love and protect him or her. A baby that is a product of a rape should not be killed because just like his mother, the unborn has no fault of been brought into the world. In addition, killing an innocent baby won’t make a women forget the rape. It is true that the unborn cannot survive outside the uterus on his owns, and that the fetus most be at least 22 weeks to have the chance of surviving, is also true that the unborn is in his mother’s body, but is not her body. By that being said the unborn has the right to live just like any of us. An unborn child is capable of experiencing pain by 20 weeks after

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