The Pros And Cons Of Becoming A Good Leader

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Being referred to as a follower all my life forced me to think I could never be a leader or even the smallest group of people. Hearing my mom say out of her own mouth that she has often thought of me as a follower became an eye opener. Knowing that my very own mom thought of me as nothing more than a follower caused me to reevaluate some things in my life. Hearing things like “Whitney can’t lead she’s not really well at that” was hurtful as well. After a while of hearing basically that I was strong enough to lead anyone that caused me to gain motivation in that aspect of life. Since those particular incidents whether it was in class or out of class I make sure when I am given a leadership role I do my best at it. When the day comes and I am …show more content…

Becoming a great leader has always been a lifelong goal of mine. Becoming an Army officer has recently become a long term goal of mine. I found out about the ROTC program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and did a ton of research. Having a family with a minor military background gave me the opportunity to ask my family about the pros and cons of being in the military. I was told by my aunt that I could not only become an Army officer but I could still do my dream jobs which is become an OBGYN. After doing much research I figure that I should become an Army Officer because not only will I have gained training but I also won’t be in debt after medical school. Honestly since high school I have been thinking about my options of going to the military after I graduated because I didn’t come from a rich family. I came from a single mother household and the only thing that was guaranteed around there was clothes on my back and food on the table. I knew my mom could not afford to send me to college or even pay for a single class. Which is the exact reason why after my older brother graduated from high school he joined the military so I just figured it was only right that I do the same. I could have enlisted like my brother but I still wanted to go to college and earn my degree and deliver …show more content…

Confidence is important because you want to be sure about your thoughts and decisions you make. When you have subordinates you want them to because able to know and feel that their leader in leading them in the right direction. I learned recently that confidence goes along way because when your teaching someone something that you are supposed to be familiar with they are trusting that you know what you are talking about. Knowing that you are not confident allows them to question if you are confident in what is being taught. Having passion as a leader is essential it goes hand in hand with motivation. As a leader you should be passionate because you are not guaranteed to always have good days so when the bad days come along you cannot be so quick to give up. Stoicism is the endurance of pain or hardship without a display of feelings and without complaint. I have been injured for almost a year now and it has taken an emotional toll on me, but through all the adversity I have had a positive outlook on the situation. There have been countless of times that my hip and knee was in terrible pain but I tried not to show it because I wanted to display that leader’s stick and fight through the pain. When leaders are stoic the people that are following them tend to have more respect for them on a different level. The

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