Mastering the Art of College Essay Writing

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Learning to further expand my knowledge of how to properly write a college essay has been a fulfilling journey. In high school, advance placement English was the most pivotal class for me because it required me to think and perform on a higher level. I felt as if I could I mastered how to convey my thoughts into a essay, but after receiving my first college English 1101 grade back, I realized I did no master the skill as well as I thought I did. I received an eighty on my first paper, this was a huge shock considering that I received all A’s on all my English papers in high school. My grade was justified considering I made plenty of broad statements like “The color choice used by Rosenbaum is genius”, and did not give further explanation on the statement. Luckily, Professor Gallagher offered extra credit if I submitted a post write reflecting on what I did well and what I can improve on. Though the extra two points on my paper was fantastic, the …show more content…

I used the critiques from my first essay and ensured I did not make those mistakes again. I reached out to my fellow peers and receive beneficial feedback on what to change in my paper. I even took it a step further and signed up for a meeting with the university’s writing center, to help me expand on some ideas. Fortunately, I received the grade of an eighty-four on my second paper, though this is an improvement, I wasn’t satisfied; I knew I could do better. I made major mistakes by making my topic sentences too broad. I completed my post write as usual and I also review my professor’s critiques. I studied how to not make the same mistakes by using ‘Emma’ as a resource tool and correcting many errors ranging from ,subject- verb agreement, proper use of comma, or even how not to plagiarize. Being persistent can help you reach any goal you set your mind too; help from family and friends can also help you reach your

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