Case Study Of Jostco

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What is success and who warrants it? Is it simply the accomplishments of a goal or a purpose? Perhaps it’s measured with being happy, productive, healthy or wise. Success seems to include an assortment of variables and often changes in accordance with life’s cycles. Regarding business, an accurate assessment of success is linked to profitability. While it’s true, that to stay in business, one must produce a profit, success should also be appraised by customer, employee, and owner satisfaction, in addition to following the golden rule. As the director of Human Resources, several of these concepts will govern how the HR team moves forward to accomplish this objective. Jostco is the biggest wholesale retailer in the United States and …show more content…

In order to achieve this mission, we will obey the law and take care of their customers as well as their employees. It is the belief that when employees get a sense that they are important to the organization, they take more pride in their work, cultivate within the company, and are more engaged with customer service. Besides wanting to be profitable, Jostco aims for a congenial work-place, therefore, is committed to providing their employees with a stable environment with equal opportunity for learning and personal growth. Creativity, innovation, and diversity are …show more content…

“As the demands on organizations keep changing, it is critical that organizations implement training and development activities to ensure that their staffs have the requisite knowledge, skillls, abilities, and other characteristics to confront these new challenges” (Pynes p.276). Lastly, our employee handbook has not been revised in over 5 years and should also be available online. I am suggesting that a new employee handbook is a priority as well as having brief seminars for new employees, within the first 30 days, that go over the important features as research has shown that most employees are unaware or don’t understand their benefits

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