Catalase Reaction Essays

  • Investigating the Effect of Substrate Concentration on Catalase Reaction

    4867 Words  | 10 Pages

    Concentration on Catalase Reaction Planning -Aim: The aim of the experiment is to examine how the concentration of the substrate (Hydrogen Peroxide, H2O2) affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme (Catalase). -Background information: Enzyme Enzymes are protein molecules that act as the biological catalysts. A catalyst is a molecule which can speed up chemical reaction but remains unchanged at the end of the reaction. Enzymes catalyze most of the metabolic reactions which take

  • How the Concentration of the Substrate Affects the Reaction in the Catalase Inside Potato Cells

    1162 Words  | 3 Pages

    How the Concentration of the Substrate Affects the Reaction in the Catalase Inside Potato Cells Introduction Enzymes are made of proteins and they speed up reactions, this means that they act as catalysts. Hydrogen peroxide is a byproduct of our cell's activities and is very toxic. The enzymes in our bodies break down the hydrogen peroxide at certain temperatures they work best at body temperature, which is approximately 37 degrees. At high temperatures, the cells begin to denature. This

  • Effect of Temperature on Rate of Reaction of Catalase

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    Effect of Temperature on Rate of Reaction of Catalase Introduction This investigation was in an attempt to try to find out how varying the temperature can affect an enzyme. The enzyme used was catalase which breaks down Hydrogen Peroxide, this gives off water and oxygen as effervescence. This effervescence is what is used to measure the reaction rate of the catalase. The optimal heat for enzyme activity is proven to be 37oC as anything above this denatures the enzyme. Denaturing is where

  • Investigation of How the Concentration of Catalase Enzyme Affects the Rate of Reaction

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    Investigation of How the Concentration of Catalase Enzyme Affects the Rate of Reaction Aim: To find out how the concentration of Catalase Enzyme will affect the enzyme activity and the rate of reaction towards Hydrogen Peroxide. (H O ) Prediction: I predict that with the higher concentration of enzyme, the likelihood of it breaking down molecules will be greater because there will be more enzymes to work at the substrate and the chances of it colliding will be higher making the activity

  • Catalase Reaction Essay

    1322 Words  | 3 Pages

    design and conduct an experimental investigation on the effect of substrate concentration (manipulated by increasing concentration of pH buffer) of catalysed reactions by measuring the volume of oxygen produced as the reaction proceeded. Enzymes are biological catalysts - catalysts are substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being altered itself. Enzymes are also proteins that fold into complex shapes that allow smaller molecules to fit into them. The place where these substrate

  • The Effect of Surface Area on the Rate of Reaction Between Catalase from a Potato and Hydrogen Peroxide

    734 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Effect of Surface Area on the Rate of Reaction Between Catalase from a Potato and Hydrogen Peroxide Aim To find out the relationship between the surface area of a potato chip and the rate of reaction when hydrogen peroxide is put in with it. Variables As I do this experiment the thing I am going to be changing is the surface area of the potato chip, first I will put it in the beaker as a whole (3cm chip) then I will start cutting it into smaller pieces and repeating the experiment

  • The Effect of Substrate Concentration on the Rate of Reaction Between Yeast Catalase and Hydrogen Peroxide

    1242 Words  | 3 Pages

    Concentration on the Rate of Reaction Between Yeast Catalase and Hydrogen Peroxide Useful info The Enzyme Catalase is a protein molecule which is found in living cells. It is used to speed up reactions in the cells. It is a very specific enzyme and just performs one particular reaction. Catalase is an enzyme found in cells in potatoes and liver and is used for removing Hydrogen Peroxide from the cells. Hydrogen Peroxide is the poison produced during metabolism. Catalase aids the decomposition

  • Potato Catalase Lab Report

    1511 Words  | 4 Pages

    Temperature for Potato Catalase Introduction In this experiment. the optimal temperature of catalase in potatoes will be determined using its substrate hydrogen peroxide solution. The reaction of catalase in hydrogen peroxide solution will change depends on the temperature of the hydrogen peroxide solution. If the reaction time of catalase is related to the temperature of its substrate, when the temperature of hydrogen peroxide reaches to 35-40˚C, the reaction of the catalase will be the fastest which

  • Lab Report Using a Chemical Titration to Measure Rate of Conversion of Hydrogen Peroxide to Water and Oxygen

    1829 Words  | 4 Pages

    oxygen using the enzyme catalase. Objectives: Before doing this exercise, you should understand: Ø the general functions and activities of enzymes Ø the relationship between the structure and function of enzymes Ø the concept of initial reaction rates of enzymes Ø how the concept of free energy relates to enzyme activity Ø that changes in temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration can affect the initial reaction rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. After doing the exercise

  • The Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide and Speed of The Rate at Which It is Broken Down by Catalase

    2648 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Rate at Which It is Broken Down by Catalase AIM To find out whether the concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide affects the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide when broken down by catalase. SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE Hydrogen peroxide is a liquid bi-product of many chemical reactions in living things. It is toxic, so has to be broken down by the enzyme catalase which is also found in most living things. E.g. [IMAGE]Hydrogen peroxide catalase water + oxygen 2H2O2 (aq) 2H2 O +

  • Investigating a Factor that Affects Enzyme Activity

    1409 Words  | 3 Pages

    Investigating a Factor that Affects Enzyme Activity Planning -------- Aim --- To investigate a factor which will affect the activity of catalase, whilst keeping all variables constant. Possible Independent Variables ------------------------------ Here are a number of possible independent variables that could be changed in the experiment: Independent variable Continuous/Discontinuous Easy to measure? Volume of substrate used Continuous Yes Type

  • Catalase Hypothesis

    3171 Words  | 7 Pages

    Name: Stuart Edwards Topic: The effect of pH and temperature on the enzyme catalase. One Research Task: Proposal Draft 2 St. Stithians Boys College Content Rationale Pg. 2 Concept diagram Pg.2 Literature review Pg.3 Topic

  • Biological Effects on Potato

    2775 Words  | 6 Pages

    Biological Effects on Potato Potatoes, like all other vegetables contain the enzyme catalase, which breaks down the toxic waste product of hydrogen peroxide. Potatoes have an unusual response to long exposures of light, where the chemical properties are altered within the cells. This can be seen as the surface changes green in colour. Storage conditions of potatoes are therefore important, to ensure potatoes remain in the original state after cultivation. Within this assessment, the effects

  • Catalase Lab

    1647 Words  | 4 Pages

    will the enzyme catalase in the potato sample catalyze hydrogen peroxide most effectively? 2. Will the amount of hydrogen peroxide in relation to the amount of potato sample affect my results? 3. Will crushing the potato sample lead to different results, than if a whole potato is used? 4. What is the optimum pH for the enzyme catalase? 5. Will the enzyme catalase actually catalyze hydrogen peroxide in an alkaline medium? 6. Hypothesis I predict that the enzyme activity of catalase on hydrogen peroxide

  • The Effect Of Enzyme Experiment On Catalase Concentration

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    At the time of conducting the experiment, the intention was to analyse the effect that an increase in catalase concentration had on the amount of oxygen (O2) produced if the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration was constant. It was proposed that when the catalase increases in concentration at the increments of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 4% and the hydrogen peroxide remained at a fixed concentration, the oxygen production would rise gradually. It was suggested that this would occur due to the collision theory

  • Enzyme Lab Report Potato Lab

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    to produce chemical reactions in the quickest way. In the first experiment, we are testing water, sucrose solution, salt solution, and hydrogen peroxide to see which can increase the bubbles. So we can understand that enzyme producing chemical reactions in the speed. In the second experiment, we are using temperature of room, boiling water, refrigerator, and freezer to see what will effect the enzyme. Hypothesis: If a test tube filled with 3% hydrogen peroxide and catalase solution, the room temperature

  • Rate Of Reaction Lab Report

    3805 Words  | 8 Pages

    How Hydrogen Peroxide Affects the Rate of Reaction of the Enzyme Catalase Introduction: Catalase, like all enzymes, is made up of protein molecules. It can be found in the cytoplasm of living tissue. It speeds up the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide, a metabolic waste product, into water and oxygen that can safely be removed from the cell. The type of reaction involved is known as a catabolic reaction (i.e. substrate broken down.)This is simply because the substrate

  • The Action of an Enzyme

    602 Words  | 2 Pages

    Conclusion A firm conclusion is not applicable to this experiment. Cells can break down hydrogen peroxide because hydrogen peroxide is poisonous and is a product when the liver breaks down waste therefore enzymes (catalase) must be made in order to deal with it. When the enzyme catalase is added to hydrogen peroxide, oxygen gas is

  • Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions

    677 Words  | 2 Pages

    defined chemical reactions by alternating the rate of the reaction. They will not trigger a reaction to take place that would not occur naturally. Having a particular enzyme to catalyze each of the chemical reactions that take place in a living cell, total control of metabolism can be sustained by an organism. Catalase is an enzyme found in cellular organelles called peroxisomes. It catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide(which is toxic to the cell)to oxygen and water Catalase 2H2O2 

  • Yeast Enzyme Lab Report

    1571 Words  | 4 Pages

    Megan Roe 12OMT Aim: To investigate the effect of pH of hydrogen peroxide solution on enzyme activity of the catalase enzyme (yeast) and the O2 froth produced (ml) after 1 minute. Hypothesis: That an increase of hydrochloric acid to a solution where yeast cells are exposed will increase the rate amount of enzyme catalase (O2 froth) produced, as from my research it has been proven that with some enzymes the optimum pH is around 2 (stomach enzymes). Variables: Independent Variable: pH The independent