Catalase Reaction Essay

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The purpose of this assessment was to research, design and conduct an experimental investigation on the effect of substrate concentration (manipulated by increasing concentration of pH buffer) of catalysed reactions by measuring the volume of oxygen produced as the reaction proceeded. Enzymes are biological catalysts - catalysts are substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being altered itself. Enzymes are also proteins that fold into complex shapes that allow smaller molecules to fit into them. The place where these substrate molecules fit is called the active site. The active site is the region of an enzyme where substrate molecules bind and undergo a chemical reaction. The active site consists of residues that form temporary bonds with the substrate and residues that catalyse a reaction of that substrate. (Clark, 2016) Figure 1. Demonstration of how enzymes work. (Blue, 2013) The activation energy is …show more content…

First, a molecule of hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the heme to an oxyferryl species. One oxygen atom is extracted and attached to the iron atom, and the rest is released as harmless water. Then, a second hydrogen peroxide molecule, which acts as a decreasing proxy to regenerate the resting enzyme state, is also broken apart and the pieces are combined with the iron-bound Because of its undeniable and scientifically-proven powerful antioxidant properties, catalase enzyme has a wide commercial application. Primarily in combination with the enzyme glucose oxidase, catalase is used as a preserving system in mayonnaise and egg products such as whole eggs or dried egg white, in the preparation of milk and cheese, in the manufacture of baked goods, beverages, textile industry, cosmetic industry (as face mask), and in cleaning agents for contact lenses, for the elimination of the hydrogen peroxide that is present in some products, (Worthington Biochemical Corporation,

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