Best Man Essays

  • Wedding Toast - Best Man

    2067 Words  | 5 Pages

    Wedding Speech - Best Man Afternoon everyone, firstly, the city council have asked me to request that, for health and safety reasons, none of you get up on top of the chairs and tables during my standing ovation. I'm sure you'll all admit this has turned out to be a fabulous wedding celebration, yet every silver- lining does have a cloud, and that is, unfortunately that you've all got to listen to me for a few minutes. I'd just like to start by thanking everyone on behalf of the Bride

  • Humorous Wedding Speech by the Best Man

    695 Words  | 2 Pages

    Speech by the Best Man When Daniel came to me and asked me to be his best man, it was a great honour but, when I looked at all the duties required of me, I felt he’d be better off choosing someone else. Then he offered me a fifty, but I told him that it wasn’t a decision that money could change. So then he offered me a hundred. Anyway, good evening Ladies and Gentlemen - My name is Rob and it’s my pleasure to be Daniel's best man today. So let me tell you about all those best man duties that

  • Wedding Reception Speech – Best Man

    1909 Words  | 4 Pages

    Wedding Reception Speech – Best Man Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I’m sure you’ll all agree it’s been a fantastic day so far, but unfortunately for every silver lining there’s a cloud, and I’m yours. For those of you that haven’t bought me a drink yet, I’m Simon and I’ve been sentenced to being Randy’s best man today. It’s said that, being asked to be best man is one of the greatest honours you can be given, on the other hand it’s also one of the most terrible things you can do to

  • Wedding Toasts - Best Man, Brother of the Groom

    597 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wedding Toasts - Best Man, Brother of the Groom Good Evening! I’m standing up here tonight, pretty boastful I have to admit, of my brother, Bobo, and his bride Twiggy. I have come to sing their praises, and if I happen to embarrass either one of them in the process, I apologize right now! On behalf of our family, we want to welcome each of you to the wedding today. It is a true testament to Bobo and Twiggy that you have taken time from your busy schedule to come and witness their marriage

  • Humorous Wedding Speech Delivered by the Best Man

    827 Words  | 2 Pages

    Humorous Wedding Speech Delivered by the Best Man Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. First of all, I’d like congratulate the groom (bridegroom) on a very enjoyable speech - which has raised the expectation of my speech to a level that I cannot possibly hope to fulfill now. Thanks for that! Now I know I’m expected to say this but it really is an honor being John’s best man. He’s a very popular person with many close friends, so when he asked me to do this job I was extremely pleased and

  • Wedding Speech – Best Man

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wedding Speech – Best Man Before I begin with Leon’s character assassination, I should probably introduce myself, as a lot of you don’t know me…my name is Andy. My full name is actually Andy WhatcanIgetyou. For those of you who I meet in the bar later, I’d appreciate it if you could Use my full name. I’d also like to remind you, that the more you laugh at my gags the faster my speech will be delivered…so it’s in your own best interest… I think being a best man can be a very nerve racking

  • Wedding Speech - Best Man

    1335 Words  | 3 Pages

    Wedding Speech - Best Man First I?d like to thank GROOMS NAME for those kind words ? some sort of response is probably in order Before I start, if there's anybody here who feels a little nervous and apprehensive, it's probably because you've just got married to GROOMS NAME. I have a bit of an issue to raise, it has come to my attention that there is a bet on about the length of the Best Man's speech.... however I am sure you will all be glad to know that I got wind of this and have put

  • Humorous Best Man Speech

    1371 Words  | 3 Pages

    Humorous Best Man Speech Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Firstly on behalf of the bridesmaids, I would like to thank the groom for his kind words, and may I also say that they have done a fantastic job today and all of them look absolutely beautiful. I'd also like to say that the bride looks absolutely stunning today as I’m sure you will all agree. Unfortunately for the wedding photographs, the groom just looks stunned. When I was asked to be best man I consulted the Internet for

  • Humorous Best Man Speech

    1962 Words  | 4 Pages

    Humorous Best Man Speech The hotel management have asked me to ask you not to stand on the tables or chairs during the standing ovation at the end of my speech. Now, I asked around for an idea of how long my speech should last, and the general response was about as long as it takes the groom to make love. So with that in mind, thank you, you have been a wonderful audience. (Sit and then get back up) I think an introduction is worthwhile. For those of you who do not yet know me my name

  • Humorous Best Man Speech for Two Best Men

    1135 Words  | 3 Pages

    Humorous Best Man Speech Written for Two Best Men Best man 1: Good evening everyone. I must warn you we are both pretty nervous about doing this speech. We have spent many a night awake, trying plan it to no avail. We were both so nervous about doing this speech we asked the groom for some advice on how to prepare for talking to a large audience. Best man 2: So he did. He told us to imagine that you are all naked, so if you don't mind, we are going to give it a go. (Stares, winks at people)

  • Best Man Wedding Toast

    1058 Words  | 3 Pages

    Best Man Wedding Speech Its turning out to be a day packed full new experiences for me. It’s the first time I’ve had the honour of being a best man, It’s the first time that Brandon has complimented me in over 30 years, and it’s the first time I’ve got a free dinner out of him since that kebab he bought me back in 93. So far things have been going pretty well…until now. Start the car Steve. Ladies, Gentlemen, boys, girls Brandon and Lisa, First of all, let me begin on behalf of the bridesmaids

  • Best Man Wedding Speech

    1339 Words  | 3 Pages

    Best Man Wedding Speech This is the first time Kevin's ever brought me dinner and I?m too nervous to eat it. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Kevin's younger brother and my full name is Bobby What are you drinking, so if you see me at the bar later don't hesitate to call me by my full name. Unfortunately every silver lining does have A cloud, and that is that you've all got to listen to me for the next 5 minutes. I'd just like to thank Kevin on behalf of the bridesmaids for his

  • Mans best friend

    1490 Words  | 3 Pages

    Man’s Best Friend Who do you consider your best friend? Is it the person you grew up with? Is it your husband or wife? For many it is someone that is always they’re for them when sad or lonely, or when one needs to talk, cry, or laugh. However, thousands of Americans are turning to their dogs for a favorite companion. This paper will explore the enduring phrase “Man’s Best Friend” and the loyalty, faithfulness, intelligence, and companionship shared by dogs and masters that make this statement

  • Best Man Wedding Speech

    2579 Words  | 6 Pages

    Best Man Wedding Speech Well to be honest Steven I thought you would have spoken for longer today….. as that was probably your last opportunity to speak for any length of time without interruption. Not that I’m saying Ellen talks a lot! Afternoon everybody…..or is it evening….. seems so long ago that we started these proceedings…. For those of you that do not know me my name is Mark Although I’m sure you’ll have a few other names for me after I’ve finished this…. Although BIG NOSE

  • Meaningful and Sentimental Best Man Speech

    842 Words  | 2 Pages

    Meaningful and Sentimental Best Man Speech Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I would like to echo the groom's sentiments and mention that all the bridesmaids look truly beautiful, indeed. Also, I'd like to say that the bride looks absolutely stunning today, as for the groom he just looks stunned. I am on a strict time limit from the bride, so the more you laugh at my jokes, the quicker my speech will be. It is beautiful to see so many loving family members and friends here to share

  • Best Man Wedding Speech (Roast)

    576 Words  | 2 Pages

    Best Man Wedding Speech Ladies and Gentlemen, It's time for me to make a speech now and quite frankly, there's not a lot you can do about that. Well, if there's anybody here this evening who feels strangely nervous and apprehensive, it's probably because you just went and married Bill Meyers! Sorry Lacy - It's too late now. You're stuck with him. When it comes to Best Man's speeches there are some things in the interests of good taste, which are better left unsaid.....well, I'm here

  • Best Man Speech Delivered by the Brother of the Groom

    831 Words  | 2 Pages

    Best Man Speech Delivered by the Brother of the Groom Firstly, on behalf of the bridesmaids, I'd like to thank the groom for his kind words, and I have to say they have done an excellent job today and look absolutely wonderful. I am very proud that I was chosen to be the best man today. It’s often said at weddings that being asked to be the best man is like being asked to kiss the Queen. Its a great honor but nobody wants to do it. I have a large library of stories to tell you that will

  • Best Man Wedding Speech with Many Jokes

    1200 Words  | 3 Pages

    Best Man Wedding Speech with Many Jokes The moment has arrived?. its time for a little character assassination?.. and as Kyle best man?.. its my opportunity to slate him. Although, as Henry the Eighth said to each of his wives?.. I wont keep you long Having never done this before, I really didn?t know how long my speech should last General opinion suggests it should last about as long as it takes the groom to make love, so?.. (hand gesture) Thank you and good night. If only

  • Humorous Best Man Speech - The Groom’s Life Story

    1248 Words  | 3 Pages

    Humorous Best Man Speech - The Groom’s Life Story Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It’s surprising just how far some people are prepared to travel for a free lunch. It’s a good job the groom didn't choose the menu, otherwise we would have had penut-butter sandwiches washed down with beer. Firstly, I have a feet messages to read out.(read telegrams etc.) As Bill Clinton said to each of his girlfriends, I wont keep you long. I’d like to begin by thanking the groom for asking me to be

  • Best Man Speech - Assassination of the Groom's Character

    1051 Words  | 3 Pages

    Best Man Speech - Assassination of the Groom's Character Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. I am going to keep this speech fairly short because of my throat; the bride said that if I made fun of the groom too much she would cut it. Firstly, on behalf of the bridesmaids, I would like to thank the groom for those kind words and gifts. As I'm sure you will all agree, they all look absolutely beautiful and have carried out their role splendidly, so I think a round of applause for the bridesmaids