Beatification Essays

  • Jacques Fesch

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    He asked a priest for the crucifix, which he kissed. His last words before the blade fell were, “Holy Virgin, have pity on me!” The case for the beatification and canonization of Jacques Fesch is fiercely contested. “Where are we headed, if we start beatifying criminals?” asked one police officer chief. Others believe that Fesch’s beatification would “give a great hope to those who despise themselves, who see themselves as irredeemably lost”. Jacques Fesch is often likened to the Good Thief

  • The Legacy of Mother Theresa

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    Paul II suggested that she was put on the road to sainthood. As of right now, Mother Teresa is not officially a saint yet. She is only at the beatification stage of sainthood. According to Tom Hundley, For a person to reach the first stage of sainthood, beatification, there must be one proven posthumous miracle attributed to the candidate. (1) “Beatification means that Mother Teresa can officially be referred to with the title blessed, signifying the church's recognition of her holiness. Statues and

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

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    McCandless’ early life, journey, and travels, up until he died in Alaska, with research and interviews from people connected to him throughout his time. Twenty years later, in September of 2013, the Anchorage Daily News released an article, “The beatification of Chris McCandless: From thieving poacher into a saint” written by Craig Medred, a former writer for the Daily News. Medred’s opinionated article could never, in any way, be considered a legitimate accounting of the life of Chris McCandless. Medred’s

  • Reports of the Pope's Miracles

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    early as October, when bishops from around the world meet in Rome. Nowak concurred that all the letters the Vatican had received so far of supposed miraculous cures wouldn't count toward John Paul's saintliness. "But since you only need one for beatification and one for canonisation, if there are so many of these 'signs' that you hear about, it shouldn't be difficult to have new ones," he told the newspaper Corriere della Sera. Some of the old "miracles" have been given prominent play in Italian newspapers

  • Downtown Incentives Program

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    replacement. Phase one was scheduled to take two months (weather pending) to complete. Council recognized that the infrastructure improvement/repairs were imperative to service delivery, council was very split on the beautification element. The beatification project was won by one council vote and was a contentious issue from the

  • Slums And The Solution

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    Matthew Freihofner Professor Sellers POSC 363 May 13th, 2014 Slums and the Solution; Bangalore and Mumbai India is one of the most populated countries in the entire world, second only to China. Accounting for 17.4% of the world’s population, the socio-economic issues effect more than just the country itself. One of the country’s more notable issues is the large urban slums. Shown in movies such as, Slumdog Millionaire, the slums are becoming a well-known issue. The census defines slum, A Slum

  • Classical and Modern Anti-Semitism in the Mortara Case

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    According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, anti-Semitism is hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group. There are two main types of anti-Semitism: classical anti-Semitism and modern anti-Semitism. Classical anti-Semitism is the hatred and intolerance towards Jews because of their religious differences. According to, “Modern anti-Semitism, in contrast to earlier forms, was based not on religious practices of the Jews but on the theory

  • Joan of Arc

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    ​During the Middle Ages of Europe there was a great war between France and England known as the 100 year War. Throughout this war there were many historic battles and many warriors that have had stories told about them over the years. None more famous than a young girl from a small village named Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc lived a short life, but did so much that she has many songs, stories, and even today movies made about her. If there was one person that deserved to have stories told about them

  • Christopher McCandless is NOT a True Transcentalist

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    ideals of the “sixth sense,” nature, and non-conformity, as well as individualism, intuition, idealism, imagination, and inspiration. A few of the works and writings featured in the transcendental unit include Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, The Beatification of Chris McCandless: From Thieving Poacher into Saint by Craig Medred, and Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The primary focus of this essay is to provide an opinion on a strikingly debatable topic; Whether or not Christopher McCandless, hero of Krakauer’s

  • St. Maria Goretti Research Paper

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    St. Maria Goretti is an Italian virgin-martyr of the Catholic Church and one of the youngest canonized saints. Maria was born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, Italy. She is the third of seven children of Luigi Goretti and Assunta Carlini. She worked with her parents on a farm along with her five other siblings. Maria had never gone to school so she wasn’t able to read or write. By the time Maria was six, her family had become so poor that they had to give up their farm and move to Ferrier di Conca

  • Into The Wild Analysis

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    death in Oregon sparks another look ‘Into the Wild’”, the word “schizophrenia” is brought up for the first time. Keep in mind, this isn’t the first time that Medred has accused Chris McCandless of being a schizophrenic – see also his article, “The beatification of Chris McCandless: From thieving poacher to saint”. In addition to every time Medred claims that McCandless is a schizophrenic, he occasionally brings up the fact that he may have had narcissistic personality disorder, or that perhaps he was

  • Reflective Essay On Practicum

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    various classes with various subjects. We (the students and I) worked on regular class assignments and projects. I also participated in some outings such as grocery shopping for culinary class, bowling for gym class and a special day of town beatification where we picked up garbage in an effort to help clean up the town. While working at the high school I was able to use some of the skills I had learned while in class such as active listening, token economy. I was able to look at things from the

  • Community Garden

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    At the University of West Florida we wanted to allow students, faculty, staff and community of Pensacola to help volunteer to maintain the garden and enjoy learning about the different food systems.(The Voyager.) The University of West Florida community garden was created in 2009 it gave the opportunity to students and staff that were interested in learning or teaching the right way to sustain food systems. (The Voyager.) As any community garden in order for it to thrive the school must have donations

  • John Paul II

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    JOHN PAUL II JOHN PAUL II was the first non-Italian pope since 1523, whose energetic, active approach to his office, unprecedented world travel, and firm religious conservatism have enhanced the importance of the papacy in both the Roman Catholic church and the non-Catholic world. The pope is also the head of the independent state of Vatican City. Born Karol Wojty³a on May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland, he studied poetry and drama at the University of Kraków. During World War II he worked

  • Gorgias

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    Speech was omnipotent to Gorgias. As a result, he spent all his time instructing exclusively in the art of Rhetoric. He claimed not to teach virtue, arête, because virtue is different for everyone. For example, political, excellence, and moral virtues differ from person to person. The focus of Gorgias is rhetoric. Plato’s views eventually work their way to the surface though his representation of characters in the dialogues. Some of the rhetorical views Plato presents in Gorgias, are the roles flattery

  • Quest for Self and Identity in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road

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    identity. This ‘IT’ is an intangible thing; something that holds a different meaning for every individual. It encompasses all the things humans yearn for – life answers, the meaning of the universe, happiness, enlightenment, self-fulfilment, ‘beatification’ (as articulated by Kerouac). ‘On the Road’ is the story of a desperate search for ‘IT’, in which the protagonists finally come to realise that ‘IT’ is unattainable and time cannot be defied. The human search for ‘IT’ is never-ending.  Even

  • The Existence of Free Will

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    The term philosophy means love of wisdom, it is derived from the Greek Philia (love) and Sophia (wisdom). Philosophy is a way of thinking and an attempt to explore profound questions relating to our existence, such as, how can we build a good society?, what do we mean by good? , what is the meaning of life? and what is genuine happiness? Philosophers focus on many issues, among them; Epistemology, Metaphysics, Logic, Aesthetics, Ethics, and Political Philosophy. Epistemology is the study of knowledge

  • Mother Teresa Research Paper

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    Mother Teresa was an extremely loving woman who cared more about others than herself. Teresa started an order of nuns called “The Missionaries of Charity,” which helped the unwanted people of Calcutta, India. For her love and work to help overcome poverty, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, otherwise known as Mother Teresa, was born on August 27, 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia (Yugoslavia). She was the youngest of three children, an older brother and sister, and her family

  • Edmund Rice Research Paper

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    In the profound and extensive history of Catholic education, Edmund Ignatius Rice stood out among the crowd, like a pearl resting on a crown. Edmund Ignatius Rice was a Roman Catholic missionary and educationalist. He was born on 1 June 1762 in Callan, County Kilkenny, Ireland and died on 29 August 1844 in Waterford, County Waterford, Ireland (“Edmund Ignatius Rice.”). Edmund Rice was born in a prosperous “Catholic tenant farmer family” to Robert and Margaret Rice (“May 5 - Bl Edmund Ignatius Rice

  • LA County Museum of Art

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    LA County Museum of Art (LACMA) The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, or LACMA as it is commonly known, is among the world’s largest art collections in North America, and to be specific enough the most prevalent artwork in the western United States (Compton 165). This massive art museum has a collection of over 100,000 artworks, which extends from the ancient times to present days (Gilbert and Mills 174). These collections, which are mainly from Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin-America and America itself