Mother Teresa Research Paper

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Mother Teresa was an extremely loving woman who cared more about others than herself. Teresa started an order of nuns called “The Missionaries of Charity,” which helped the unwanted people of Calcutta, India. For her love and work to help overcome poverty, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, otherwise known as Mother Teresa, was born on August 27, 1910 in Skopje, Macedonia (Yugoslavia). She was the youngest of three children, an older brother and sister, and her family was very holy. At mass one day, when Agnes was about twelve, she encountered a catholic missionary who worked in India. He talked to Teresa about his work, caring for the poor, and Agnes thought it might be her calling because she was so intrigued. …show more content…

After some health studies(1948), she went to the slums of India where she opened a school of her own. While working at the school, she used her medical learnings to aid to the people who were sick and who were rejected by hospitals. On Christmas eve, she found some unwanted children(5) and took them to a park. At the park, she taught the children about God. By Christmas day she had a bunch of children(25)! On New Years she had even more(41). Mother Teresa thought nobody would ever want to live like she did, but she thought wrong. In 1949, a pupil came back to her, dropped all her belongings, gave Teresa her money and joined Teresa. Soon, she had 10 of her previous pupils following her ways. With the money they rented a room to care for the people that would “die in the gutter.” Teresa was later titled the saint of the gutters. The group was later recognized as a Congregation of the Church. They called themselves …show more content…

Each of the nuns wore a sari, or robe, which many Indian poor wore. Around twenty five years later, the Missionaries of Charity Brothers was founded. Fifteen years after the brothers were founded, homes for AIDS victims sprung up, as well as for prostitutes, and drug addicts. On January 6, 1971 something very special happened to Mother Teresa. She received the first “Pope John Paul XXIII Peace Prize,” for her work with the poor throughout the world. The next year she received “India’s Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding.” In 1979, she received “The Balzan Prize for Humanity, Peace and Fraternity Among Peoples” for the distinction of outstanding humanitarian work. That same year she received the Nobel Peace Prize, and the Templeton and Magsaysay awards. On February 3, 1994 Mother Teresa was invited to a National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. hosted by the U.S Senate and House of Representatives. At the breakfast she talked about her thoughts on abortion and family life. When she spoke at Harvard, a short time later she talked about abortion again, only this time she was booed. She said in reply, when

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