Atkins Diet Essays

  • Nutrition: The Atkins Diet

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    The Atkins Diet created in 1972 by cardiologist Dr. Robert C. Atkins in the United States. The Atkins diet is worldwide a popular high-protein, low carbohydrate, high fat weight loss diet. The diet emphasizing protein and fats in the body to help lose weight while it restricts carbohydrates. The Atkins diet changes the way you eat to help you lose the weight and as well keeping it off. The diet was created to help boost your energy to help improve certain health issues such as high blood pressure

  • The Atkins Diet

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    The Atkins Diet:Too Good to be True? The American population is fat. What’s worse, we are getting fatter. For many years, a body mass index (BMI) of 27 or more (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) was the standard criteria for being overweight, and a BMI of 30 or more was the criteria for obesity. This meant that more than one third of U.S. adults were overweight. In recent years the criteria has been reduced to a BMI of 25 or more to be considered overweight, with the obesity

  • Comparing the Atkins Diet and the Zone Diet

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    Comparing the Atkins Diet and the Zone Diet The Atkins and the Zone Diet both view carbohydrates as one of the key nutrients in attaining a reasonable weight. The Atkins Diet reduces one's intake of carbohydrates to the bare minimum substituting them with high fats and proteins. Insulin levels within the body are maintained at a constant level with these foods. But many skeptics do not believe that the Atkins choice of food is very healthy. The Zone Diet believes in more of a balance of

  • The Zone Diet Versus the Atkins Diet

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    The Zone and Atkins diets aim to achieve lower levels of insulin in the bloodstream. The Zone diet reduces carbohydrates by structuring calorie intake to a 40% carbohydrate, 30% protein, 30% fat ratio. The ratio decreases the amount of carbohydrates consumed, inturn lowering overall insulin levels. The Atkins diet also lowers insulin levels by lowering the quantity of carbohydrates ingested. This four phase diet begins with extreme limitation and gradually allows small amounts of carbohydrates

  • Negative Effects of the Atkins Diet

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    Negative Effects of the Atkins Diet Countless Americans have been purchasing products about the Atkins Diet without being aware of its side effects. Common arguments about the Atkins diet is it greatly affects a persons health, one major disease that the Atkins diet has been blamed of is heart disease as well as heart attacks. Organizations such as the American Heart Association and the American Dietetic Association have been criticizing the Atkins Diet on its unhealthy way of losing weight

  • Harmful Effects of the Atkins Diet

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    Harmful Effects of the Atkins Diet It is safe to say that the Atkins Diet is not as harmless as everyone would like to think. Originally, the disadvantages were not taken into account because desperate dieters were interested in partaking in a seemingly easy way to lose weight. However, plenty of negative side effects have been shown to support the fact that the Atkins plan is more harmful than people realized. These negative side effects range from headaches and dizziness, to the more severe

  • Health Risks Associated with the Atkins Diet

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    Health Risks Associated with the Atkins Diet Low carbohydrate and high fat and protein diets such as the Atkins Diet are very bad for one's health in the long run. The Atkins Diet stresses to steer clear of foods that contain many carbohydrates such as pastas, fruits, vegetables, and breads while instead eating foods such as meats, cheeses, peanuts, and dairy that are high in fat and protein. This eating habit eventually takes a toll on one's health because a certain amount of carbohydrates

  • Atkins Diet Vs. Food Pyramid

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    things that people focus on is their weight. There are dozens of new diets that people try every year. One of the more popular diets in the last few years is the Atkins diet. Even though it does help you lose weight quickly and easily, it doesn’t provide a well nutritional eating style. The Atkins Diet plan was developed by Dr. Robert Atkins over 30 years ago. (5) It revolutionized the diet world. Despite the fact that the Atkins diet has been around for over 30 years, many people even to this day dismiss

  • Atkins Diet Analysis

    504 Words  | 2 Pages

    called "Atkins Diet" from The Gale Encyclopedia of Diets: A Guide to Health and Nutrition. The article provides an overview of the Atkins diet. A diet that emphasizes the high intake of protein and fat while limiting the intake of carbohydrates. Robert C. Atkins was the creator of the Atkins Diet which stemmed from his frustration with American obesity and chronic illnesses. The diet claims to quickly reduce weight but this is mainly due to water loss. There are four phases that the Atkins diet consists

  • Comparing Atkins and Weight Watchers Diets

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    Comparing Atkins and Weight Watchers Diets Of the many diets on the market today, Atkins and Weight Watchers have a huge following. The followers of these two diets must adopt very different eating plans. You must decide before going on one of these, which advantages are you looking for and which disadvantages can you live with. The Atkins diet works on the notion that weight gain is caused not by fat intake or food portions, but the way our bodies break down carbohydrates (betterhealthusa

  • Benefits Of The Atkins Diet

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    The Atkins Diet: Is it healthy? Dr Robert Atkins Born: 17-10-1930 Died: 17-04-2003 [IMAGE]Dr Atkins, the creator of the Atkins Diet. His unconventional theories on nutrition have changed the way Americans think about eating. Atkins low-carbohydrate approach and 4 step program have become an obsession for many people at a time when two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. But the Atkins diet has its disagreement, some of whom say that its emphasis on high cholesterol foods

  • The Pros And Disadvantages Of The Atkins Diet

    1280 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is the Atkins Diet you ask? The Atkins diet is based on the restriction of carbohydrates and focuses on eating mostly protein and fat, along with using some vitamins and mineral supplements. In 2002 the Atkins Diet was made famous by the coming out of Dr. Robert Atkins second book, that advocated a drastically reduced carbohydrate intake. The original origin of this diet goes all the way back to 1972 when the first book was published the Diet Revolution by Dr. Robert Atkins who was a cardiologist

  • The Safety and Long-term Effectiveness of the Atkins Diet

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    Low-carbohydrate diets, such as the Atkins diet, may not be the best choice for weight loss due to long-term ineffectiveness, potentially negative side effects and a lack of long-term research. Ever since the recent popularization of the Atkins diet researchers have been trying to prove Dr. Atkins’ claims and determine whether or not the diet is safe. The current body of research available on dieting supports a diet low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates with an emphasis on calorie reduction

  • Overview of the Atkins Diet

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    Atkins diet formed in 1963 was mainly the solution for the increasing obesity problem in the United States. It is based on the concept of eating the right kind of food high in proteins while cutting down the intake of carbohydrate which would transform the body from a carb-burning to a fat-burning machine. Dr. Atkin claims his Atkins diet program as "the amazing no-hunger weight-loss plan that has helped millions lose weight and keep it off" (Atkins).To begin it is important to know what Atkins diet

  • Atkins Diet Research Paper

    536 Words  | 2 Pages

    Atkins diet menu can help a person that is trying to lose weight, in a natural way by, speeding up their metabolism. In order to function properly our bodies have the capabilities to burn both, carbohydrates and fat. Our bodies will burn carbohydrates first in order to have energy. The Atkins diet menu is designed to reduce the intake of carbohydrates, in the form of glucose; this will force the body to burn fat instead. This is called lipolysis. The body will then enter a stage called, ketosis

  • Atkins Diet And Crohn's Disease Case Study

    1249 Words  | 3 Pages

    Atkins Diet and Crohn’s Disease West Coast University Orange County Connie Yonn NURS 225: Nutrition in Health and Disease 2018 Atkin’s Diet According to Dudek (2018), the RDAs suggested the daily dietary intake level that is sufficient to meet the nutrient requirement of 97% to 98% of healthy person in a particular lifespan and gender group. To determine the nutritional needs of individuals with a health problem, health specialist uses the RDA as a guideline to initiate a diet plan and modify

  • Persuasive Essay About Fad Diets

    1160 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are so many dieting solutions out there and one of the most popular are the fad diets. Dieting should be about getting healthy and losing weight in a healthy way. Fad diets however, are about losing a lot of weight in a disproportionally short amount of time. Due to the loss of weight that the dieter wanted, when they reach their goal weight, they stop doing the fad diet and go back to their regular diet. This causes the weight that they shed to be put back on again in a disproportionally short

  • Fad Diets

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    so many diets established to try and reduce these constantly rising rates. A lot of these weight-loss diets that have been established are known as fad diets. A fad diet is a diet that becomes popular quickly, and may die out just as quickly. In the United States, there are some popular and healthy fad diets such as the Atkins diet, the South Beach diet, and Weight Watchers. The Atkins diet is one of the most popular fad diets. Carbohydrates play an important role in the Atkins diet. This diet

  • Influence Of Body Image In Advertising

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    Body Image in Advertising For decades society has built up a pressure to have an ideal body. Women have performed a multitude of acts, from anorexia to fad diets, to acquire the expected physique among society. However, “the enthrallment with body image, previously imposed mostly on women, is now becoming a common feature in masculine practices and identification processes.” (Parasecoli 188) Both men and women still regard slimness as more important for women, yet men are being subjected, and responding

  • is dieting dangerous?

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    media has influenced society in such a way that degrades individuals who do not fit into a certain weight category. However people diet for many different reasons, sports to maintain fit, to look better, or to simply lose some pounds. Because of the mass influence of media on the population today, much of the public is attracted to widely advertised crash diets. A crash diet is eating as little as possible in order to lose weight in a short period of time (Kedge & Wattson, 2009). All food and drink affects