Threats Into Opportunities And Weaknesses To Strengths

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The organization needs to convert the Threats into Opportunities and Weaknesses into Strengths. Example; partner with our competition will open a new and a different way to think and create space for the innovation, moving an employee, unstructured and self-deprecating of an organizational task that it does wrong on production and certainly will affect the customers.
Another way to improve the change of environment its respect each other, every person has the right to work and the duty to work. The state shall ensure the adoption of necessary measures at the end that any person may obtain productive employment, provide a decent life and existence and to guarantee the full exercise of this right.
The quality of work life of an organization is the environment, the atmosphere, the air that is breathed into it. Efforts to improve the working life are tasks systematic undertaken by organizations to provide employees with …show more content…

In situations of antagonism, which replace the cooperation with formal rules. Today organizations of this type, very few cases of a team, that practice never to include employees of different levels. The quality of the work environment will be determined by the way the personal development of his activity in the organization. Although human beings tend to seek and provide their services to an organization, the research done on the subject during the last two decades reveals. That to improve productivity it is indispensable to improve the quality of the work environment, management criticism cannot maintain significant progress through the levels of productivity because of the deterioration in the working environment leads not only to higher levels of absenteeism, turnover rates and resignations, but also the slowness, listlessness, and

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