Essay On Toxic Employees

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A toxic coworker is someone who demonstrates a pattern of behaviors at work that can negatively affect others. A toxic employee is someone that is motivated by personal gain, uses unethical and mean-spirited actions to manipulate and annoy those around them. Toxic employees do not recognize respect towards others in the organization they work for or their co-workers, as far as ethics or professional conduct go. A bully is someone that repeatedly mistreats a coworker by verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, humiliation, sabotage or a combination of these. The bully is trying to place the target in a powerless position so that the bully can have control and manipulate the victim; this in turn creates a negative work environment.

A negative work environment can make employees feel irritable, anxious and defensive. This can cause poor productivity, lack of motivation and poor communication in the workplace which in turn can cause problems for the company. An employer’s abuse of power can cause mental or emotional distress on employees and also disrupt the workplace. Examples of employers abusing their position include humiliation, undermining, disrespectful language, discriminatory comments, yelling and intimidation. When employees are surrounded by this on a daily basis it can affect their self-worth. Employers can resolve these issues by allowing open lines of communication and by not giving employees the impression that it is acceptable to act negatively and disrespect fellow employees.

Employees have options available to them for dealing with a toxic employer, such as formal complaints, legal action or by ending their employment with the company. Employees can go to their human resources department where they work and confide in...

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...k for your company and also do business with you.

How to Deal With a Toxic Boss or Co-Worker - Speakeasy - WSJ. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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