Importance Of Responsive Web Design

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Ethan Marcotte in his article for ‘A List Apart’ (2010) defined ‘responsive web design’ as a technique used to optimize web sites to work across a wide range of different devices. Responsive Web Design (RWD) responds to the user’s needs and theirs devices. In practice, based on capabilities and size of user’s device, the web site layout changes. The three basic ingredients for RWD are: flexible content (e.g. text, images, video), fluid grids and CSS3 media queries . Through the responsive web design, web developers are able to provide users of a web site with a better experience regardless of a screen size used, devices or a browser . Responsive Web Design relays on relative units (e.g. percentages) rather than fixed units (e.g. pixels). This …show more content…

To create responsive web site, the developers must consider some technical issues, such as determining the breakpoints, determining the number of columns in the grid, calculating the width for each column and other issues that appear in the design stage. Usually rather than creating responsive web sites from the ground up and to avoid ‘re-inventing the wheel’, the developers use frameworks to simplify the designing process . Web developers can choose between many responsive frameworks. Nowadays the most popular and complete frameworks are Bootstrap, Foundation and Skeleton . The responsive frameworks offer configurable features such as sets of forms, icons and buttons, styled typography and other build-in components that provide alerts, navigation, popovers, HTML templates, images frames and much more. Table 2 Comparison of the most popular responsive frameworks Bootstrap Foundation Skeleton Description ‘Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web .’ ‘The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world .’ ‘A dead simple, responsive boilerplate .’ Popularity 89 300 stars on GitHub 21 640 stars on GitHub 10 247 stars on

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