Research Methodology on Natural Language Processing

2180 Words5 Pages

Research methodology on Natural Language Processing:

The main aim of this project is to research on the integration of “Natural Language Processing “ and information systems engineering to enhance query retrieval in natural language processing.

Defining a research methodology:

The definition of research methodology includes two parts:

- Research definition

- Methodology


It is defined as a thorough and organized query or investigation on a particular theme to revise or determine the facts, theories, applications and so on.


It is a system of methods followed by a particular discipline.

Thus, research methodology is the way how a researcher performs research.

Uses of research methodology:

There are many applications of research methodology. The research methodology gives the complete description of a particular theme selected by the researcher. It includes many techniques based on the behavioral events and actions. It includes primary sources and secondary sources of data to provide the correctness of information. The techniques include

- Qualitative research

- Quantitative research

- Action research

- Descriptive research

- Ethnography and so on.

The type of research depends that the researcher uses. The current research methodology used in this NLP is Qualitative research which is discussed later. The researcher will analyze the data by using the information collected and interpreting the data. Some research methodologies include:

Descriptive research:

It is assessed based on the percentage of the availability of the variables used in the research. It complete gives the data analysis later. It is based on the predictions made in the research and the product features.

Action resea...

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Available at:


5) Patton, M., 1987. How to Use Qualitative Methods in Evaluation. Sage Publication,

California, pp: 18-20.

6) Hartley, J., 1994. Case Studies in Organizational Research in Casell and Symon 1994 Qualitative Methods in Organizational Research. Sage Publication, London, pp: 208-229

7) Gummesson, E., 1991. Qualitative Methods in Management Research. Sage Publication, California, pp: 83-156.

8) Rudolph tere, 2006

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