Effective Research Strategies: Methodology, Data Collection and Literature Study

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Methodology outlined: Methodology is an outline that can provide guidance on researcher to avoid unnecessary steps and examined the research to the point in order to provide effective and efficient solutions.
Data collection & observation : Good problem solving always accompanied by actual data. The data truly represents the real situation and what the facts really are. Documentation method is a method of data collection through the record of supply plan achievement, service level management and data segregation of not achieving sales from either supply side or sales and marketing side.
Study literature: Study literature conducted to provide researcher the basic theory and techniques to solve the problem stated in “problem statement”. The …show more content…

An interview is a conversation between two or more people where questions are asked by the interviewer to elicit facts or statements from the interviewee (respondent). Direct face to face interview is needed to know in depth what was actually happen within the company. Interview helps researcher get better comprehension of what is really going.
The interview intend to realize concerns and expectation of management. They know exactly how their business runs and have sufficient knowledge about the business process and management. The interview consists of several questions which will cover the focus of the research.
Research Finding and Analysis. The next step is the stage of presenting the findings issue based on above interview and doing summary analysis refer to management’s explanation. Analysis should be complying with details point in the questionnaire and interview and can be set as set of summaries.
Conclusion and Recommendation. Getting the findings and analyze the questionnaire and interview data, the final step is to take a comprehensive decision and make recommendations regarding the company's performance improvement after the research is …show more content…

According to Creswell in his book, Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design, Mixed method approach is one method in which the researcher tends to claim a base knowledge on pragmatic grounds. Using inquiry strategy that involve collecting data either simultaneously or sequentially to get fully understand the fact related research problems. It involves gathering both numeric information and text information so that the final database represent both quantitative and qualitative information. (2003: 18-20).
The data obtained during the the research does not have any meaning if it is not processed, analyzed and presented in a systematic manner. Data analysis in qualitative research is inductive and sustainable. Qualitative data analysis is the process of systematically search for and compile the data obtained from questionnaires, interviews, field notes , and other materials so it is easy to understand in order to be informed as result of study (Sahid, 2011).
Qualitative data is very subjective, therefore, a researcher who uses qualitative data must actually be tried wherever possible to avoid subjective attitude which may blurs the objectivity of the

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