Benefits Of Earning A College Degree

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Many people ponder on the idea of college; whether they should continue their education or not. Their decision usually comes down to the price and if a degree is worth the cost. Studies have shown that it does not matter the level of your degree, simply earning a four-year degree will definitely make you more money in the long run (Burnsed). Earning a college degree can include potential lifelong earnings, greater job opportunities, and the best part yet, a sense of pride and accomplishment, which betters your health. A survey by Public Health Services indicates that those with a college education have longer life expectancies (“Why Is Education Important For Your Future And How Can Education IDAs Help You Reach Your Education Goals?”). …show more content…

Those who gain a college degree tend to do better than those without a degree. College graduates with a bachelor’s degree tend to get ahead of their co-workers without a degree by 63%. Even graduates with a two-year degree or some college experience, have more “under their belt” to get ahead of those with no experience by 55%. Those with some sort of college experience also get the job or position they want, which allows them to be “very satisfied” with their job, and they are able to perform better. Those without a degree or experience typically do 37% less effective work due to them not being as satisfied with their job. Being satisfied with you job can affect your efficiency as well as your income. Those with a degree typically earn more than those without (“The Rising Cost of Not Going to College”). According to the United States Census Bureau, depending on the degree you achieve, the more money you could be making. Those who earn a PhD typically make $100,000 or more. Those who earn masters, make $63,000 or more. Those who earn a bachelor’s or an associate’s earn $55,700 to $42,000 or more, meanwhile those with a high school diploma, typically earn $32,500 (The Benefits of a College …show more content…

With a college degree you could get a higher paying job than if you didn’t get a degree. With a degree the opportunities are endless. You could become an engineer, an application developer, a forensic analyst, and the list goes on. Without a degree, you do not have the education or experience required to get the higher paying jobs that you may desire. Without a degree, you might get lucky and find a high paying job, such as one in the oil field, but those with a degree will be placed higher than you quicker. Without a degree, you may find the job you want, but if the company is not doing so well, the ones without a degree are usually let go first.
Lastly, when you earn a college degree, you gain a sense of pride and accomplishment, which can lead to a healthier life. Feeling proud of yourself is possibly the best thing you could do for yourself. Once it comes time for you to get your diploma, you’ll know that all your hard work had paid off. When you have a sense of pride and accomplishment, your self-esteem goes up, and you feel better about yourself. According to the National Mental Information Center, those with good self-esteem tend to have good mental health

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