The Importance Of Nutrition And Sports

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“You’re the only one who can make the difference. Whatever your dream is, go for it.” This is a quote by Magic Johnson that I use as my daily motivation. As a young athlete, I was often confused when it came to nutrition and sports. Why were the two so very important to professional athletes but the furthest thing from the mind of younger athletes? The curiosity followed me throughout high school and continued throughout my undergraduate career at Sam Houston State University. I found myself working out, challenging myself to different dietary suggestions, I had become my own personal experiment! After college, I received my first job at the local gym in my hometown. My day to day duties required me to recruit and retain members by hosting physical fitness challenges, employee contests and membership appreciation events. I thought I had found my passion: working with athletes, health and fitness, as well as in an environment that I felt comfortable but this was far from what I …show more content…

For once in my life I understood why my high school coach had also been my health teacher. Both physical fitness and health play a major role in living a healthy life. I now know that your body and mind have to be healthy for you to achieve the greatest results. During my training I was faced with demanding professional and personal challenges. Professionally, I had doubts of how successful could I be in such a demanding yet competitive field by being an independent trainer as well as sacrifice financial stability for my family. Yes starting on this new adventure was a great opportunity but a treacherous one. I am a praying man, and my faith has always been very important to me. I knew that if I did what I needed to do, follow my passion, have good intentions and be open and honest with my clients, God would handle the rest. So I prepared myself mentally and stepped out on faith

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