Waynesboro Middle School Case Study

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Through multiple interviews of faculty, parents, and community members, I identify Waynesboro Middle School’s facility and grounds issues in relation to safety, attractiveness, and support for learning. Areas of improvement related to safety, attractive ness, and support for learning would include: hiring a full-time security guard to provide additional support insuring the safety of all students’ faculty and staff, a complete overhaul or renovation of classroom buildings, and more parental involvement to increase student academic success. Security officers on the property would help. Attractiveness was so low that some felt that we needed a new school. A new school would boost student morale and lead to a greater desire to learn. To properly …show more content…

A need can be felt by an individual, a group, or an entire community. Resources, or assets, can include individuals, organizations and institutions, buildings, landscapes, equipment, and anything that can be used to improve the quality of life. A need assessment help gain a deeper understanding of the school. Each school has its own needs and assets, as well as its own culture and social structure. A school need assessment helps to uncover not only needs and resources, but the underlying culture and social structure that will help you understand how to address the school 's needs and utilize its resources. A community assessment is an exercise by which a collaborative partnership gathers information on the current strengths, concerns, and conditions of children, families, and the community. The information comes from many sources, especially parents and family members, and is elicited by many techniques. An effective community assessment for comprehensive school-linked strategies should lend insight into the ways families and communities address issues. The assessment should also measure the views of individual families and the community as a whole concerning the availability, accessibility, appropriateness, and effectiveness of services and activities. A community assessment enables collaborative partners to gather information about the strengths, concerns, and conditions of children, families, and the community. A thorough assessment involves scanning existing information about the community, developing a family focus, identifying community assets and their accessibility, and analyzing information. Assessments should view the community from multiple perspectives and recognize cultural, linguistic, ethnic, and economic

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