My Dietary Reference Intake ( Dri )

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This diet critique will be from everything I ate from Sunday, February 7 to Saturday, February 13. According to my dietary reference intake (DRI), I was allowed 2191 kcal for the week and I consumed 1978kcal. I met 90.3% of what I am allowed, although it Is on the higher end of the range it is still within. My calories from fat were 647kcal and my max allowed is 767kcal. Although I did not go over the minimum I was allowed was 438kcal so I still went over 209kcal from fat in which could be avoided. Checking the fat content on my snacks and limiting myself could reduce my actual intake while still being in range. The same applies to my total fat intake. My max was 85g and I consumed 72g when the lowest could have been 49g.this is still 23g of fat consumed that I did not not. Especially for trans fat I consumed 3.2g when ideally it should be 0g. Eliminated trans fat as a whole because there is no nutritional benefit would eliminate this entirely from my diet. My omega 6 and omega 3 intakes did not meet my DRI. I consumed only 3.9 g or omega 6 when my DRI is 12g and I consumed 0.5g of omega 3 when my DRI was 1.1g. To increase my omega 6 intake, I could start using grapeseed oil instead of the cheapest one I find which may not be the healthiest. I already use purchase grapeseed oil for my hair so getting another bottle to cook with would be easy. To increase my omega 3 intake, I could start consuming more beef and salmon in my diet, the majority of the meat I eat in my diet is chicken, so this switch could add variety. My DRI of cholesterol was maxed at 300mg and my intake was 267mg. Still relatively high so could start consuming Oatmeal for breakfast in which reduces your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the "bad" cholesterol. Also, I... ... middle of paper ... ... I was not aware of all the sodium in my food and the 1st thing I will begin doing is seriously reducing the number of processed foods in my diet. I may not be ale to eliminate all since unfortunately it is a lot more convenient to consume it but I will be reducing the amount I have. I can start purchasing fresh, rather than packaged meats. I can also start Compare various brands of the same food item until I find the one that has the lowest sodium content. When I purchase packaged foods at least get ones that say low sodium or sodium free. I can use more herbs in my cooking and switch to Mrs. Dash salt-free seasonings. Lastly, if I’m using canned foods I can rinse them off in water to at least wash some of the sodium off. When it comes to consuming foods with little to no sodium a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables would work since they have “essentially no sodium,"

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