Importance Of Leadership In Education

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Leadership is the ability to influence and motivate individuals to achieve the goals they need to reach in order to succeed. Leadership is one of the most important qualities to be found in the administrative person, allowing him or her to run the institution with the highest degree of efficiency.
Regarding this criterion, I think I have the ability to create educational and developmental goals that serve the school and the students and help raise the level academic integrity. I also greatly enjoy reading the current research in education and trying to implement new methods in my school. For example, after a few school years where students did not meet the regional average grades in the Arabic language classes in our school, I planned a new instructional goal for reading Arabic. At the beginning of the next year, I modified the …show more content…

. The area I feel I do well in to benefit staff, learners and parents is the implementation of some fundraising projects and provision of finances in order to improve the whole quality of the school. My colleagues and I worked in our school’s financial control office, consisting of a group of individuals who are pursuing school funding. We studied the needs of each of the subjects taught in our school and how to provide appropriate and necessary materials. We also studied how we could take advantage of some of the existing facilities at the school including the old materials and things which needed to be replaced or updated.

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