The Importance Of Cultural Change

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Success in any organization is often determined by how effective organizational leadership manages cultural change. People naturally resist change of any kind, especially when that change affects the way they work. As a result of this resistance to change, any organizational culture change is likely to negatively affect employee morale. Employees will complain and resist this change, asking why it is necessary. In order for cultural change to be accepted by employees, one must anticipate this reaction and prepare for it. In order to do this effectively, one must be able to identify morale barriers that may affect organizational success for change. This can be accomplished by performing an effective organizational assessment, to assesses employee morale and there resistance to change (Dye, 2014). Change Maker The desire to make change is one of the most distinctive values of a strong leader. Change makers as these leaders are known, are high achievers. They actively see out flaws in the system and implement improvements. …show more content…

It allows organizations to step back and take stock of their development, their strengths and challenges, and the choice they face for future success. Assessment can help organizations learn how they are performing compared to their peers. Assessment can be the launching point for a planned change effort. It can motivate a sluggish board, or help a funder make wise funding decisions. However it’s conducted, an organizational assessment will have some impact on the organization and must be done wisely. The best approach to organizational assessment for your organization and your community is one that is uniquely tailored to fit your goals, resources, needs, and constraints. For assessment to have the greatest impact, the process must be designed as a journey of learning and discovery rather than as a test or

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