Why Do Children Have Holidays?

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Holidays Every holiday has their own purpose within this culture. There are holidays for remembrance of their brave troops that help keep the country safe. There are religious holidays like Christmas and Easter. There are holidays like Thanksgiving, which is meant to help people remember to be grateful for what they have as well as giving back to those less fortunate. There are holidays like Father’s Day and Mother’s Day where people honor their parents. The 4th of July is set to remind them of their fight for independence, where they celebrate with fireworks and music. Holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving are especially important to the children. Christmas is important to the children because they like receiving gifts. It is also important …show more content…

They use visual aids to help emphasize points. They will read stories and sections of their text book together in class. They have technology in the classrooms to help with learning. Some classrooms have computers to help a student research topics individually. Some classes even have tablets for the students to take tests or quizzes on. Sometimes classrooms utilize media like television shows or movies to help children learn or understand a topic better. In classes like science class, they are often encouraged in labs to have hands on activities to help learn …show more content…

In fact, in older levels students are often graded on how much they participate during their class. Children will give input by raising their hands and waiting patiently for the teacher to call on them. This is also how they will ask questions or ask for help when they need to. When a teacher is pleased with a student’s response, they will say “well done” or nod and smile at the student. Children will often acknowledge their teacher has done well by smiling at them or clapping if it is appropriate to do so. All children have the same expectations as far as the teachers and education system is concerned. There is no prejudice in the school systems as far as gender or race is concerned. Children are usually in school for 13 years, from Kindergarten to grades 1-12. After grade 12, they graduate and are able to attend

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