Multicultural Classroom Essay

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Engagement is the reason one becomes motivated. When we engage the parents and families they become more motivated. Having this type of direct energy is our goal. “To be effective in multicultural classrooms, teachers must relate teaching content to the cultural backgrounds of their students” (Ginsberg & Wlodkowski, 1995, p.1). Each student has a different story including their background being a big part of them. No need to judge a book by its cover until we get down to the real situation. Student’s progress differently and a lot of the time their culture has a lot to do with it. The parents and families are the same way. If we ignore these norms it will provoke student resistance and they will show signs of bad behavior. We need culturally relevant teaching. This definition is created by, Gloria Ladson Billings. She describes this as, “a …show more content…

The main thing is trying to get everyone on the right page. Academic success is one of the big things that we need to work with. This allows us to involve parents and families in the classroom. “Teachers can find out the talents and gifts of parents and invite them into the classroom as “in-residence” experts in areas in which teachers may not be that skilled or knowledgeable” (Coffey, p.15). Heather Coffey continues to explain, “using the skill provided by the parent or community members volunteering in the classroom, the teacher can create research opportunities for students to learn more about the topics that are familiar and important to their culture.” This can involve non-mainstream culture students too. Having academic success as a method is a great idea. This can allow the teachers, parents and students to move forward successfully and the students to gain knowledge rapidly. Also, no student is left behind. All students will be recognized with their unique learning strategies and character. This also allows the parents and families to get an intake on what goes on in the

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