Ethical Behavior: Ethics, And The Reflection Of Ethics

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Ethics Reflection
When thinking about what does an ethical behavior means to oneself it leaves to an open thought and answer situation. This answer comes what that person thinks is right, is morally correct for their situation or provides them with the best service or result for them personally or their company. Ethical Behavior means always acting in ways consistent with what society and individuals typically think are good values and moral principles. These morals consist of honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity and individual rights. Broken down it is doing the right thing even if means in turn hurting your reputation or career in order to regain trust and the support of others. For example, when Neenan came in talked to us about there ethical …show more content…

Although not all challenges mean making a decision most do and those the way you decide to complete them is how they can be seen as an ethical or unethical decision to complete that challenge or task at hand. Some challenges that have encountered my life that required an ethical decision reforming clubs that I was in to strive for the best, making normal day-to-day decisions, and decisions when it comes to using leadership directly. An example on when making an ethical decision to reform a club is when I became the president of the Larimer County 4-H Junior Leader club. I had the option to let the club keep in the path of going down hill or challenge the old and move in a new direction and turning the past work into quality instead of just thrown together while at the same time having high standards for the club during rebuild. Knowing this decision would be extremely hard and just going with what the club had been doing for years, I took it in my hands to make an ethical decision to do what was best for the club no matter the challenge, the flack I might get from the extension agent (thought to be boss of the club) and the difficulty to get a club that was separated to working unit that was one

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